Rex Tillerson’s unjust demands

I am not surprised to see the demand of do more by Mr Rex as I have firm views that this syndrome of “do more Pakistan” has some motives behind it. This persistent demand from USA means that the USA will continue to blame Pakistan for not doing enough against terrorism and worsening the Pak Afghan relations on this issue, providing leverage to India to expand its interest in Afghanistan.
USA wants to make India as military might of this region to carry out American Agenda. I strongly support the response of Khawaja Mohamed Asif, the foreign minister of Pakistan, to treat us on equal basis and without dictating the terms of operations.
I recollect a lot from my most recent visit to USA at the event of oath taking ceremony of President Donald Trump, and my meetings with various think-tanks had led me to believe that a hostile situation vis-à-vis Pakistan persists in various circles of Washington DC.
It was not surprising for me to understand that a negative perception has been built in the US using the obsession of presence of Haqqani network in Pakistan, which the Indian lobby in US, has very successfully created against Pakistan. It was evident from the bitter reality that Mr. Barack Obama as President of the US had made two visits to India while not a single visit as President made to Pakistan during his eight years tenure in office, which proves that U.S had since long been side lining Pakistan, preferring India by ignoring numerous sacrifices, which Pakistan has rendered in this War on Terror.
It may continue unless there is a common strategy to smash the terrorists, which now looks not possible in view of the growing geo-political situation in South-Asia and US preferring India over Pakistan. The present visit of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is nothing but a follow-up pressure for Pakistan, which the previous governments of USA continued to exert on Pakistan after the heart breaking tragedy of 9/11.
Following the policy of preferring India and Afghanistan over Pakistan, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spent more time in both countries and he spent only few hours in Pakistan though it was the first ever trip by a senior official of Trump administration. Pressing Pakistan, the statement issued by US State Department said, that the Secretary reiterated President Trump’s message that Pakistan must increase its efforts to eradicate militants and terrorists operating within the country.” Speaking India’s language and supporting the role of India in Afghanistan, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated in New Delhi that President Donald Trump is scheduled to travel to Pakistan and India, during his current trip to South Asia and during his visit to Pakistan he would discuss with the Pakistani officials the role of India in Afghanistan.
Prior to US Secretary State visit, while opposing the CPEC, the Defence Secretary James Mattis had stated that the ‘One Belt One Road’ also passes through disputed territory, as has been the claim of India. Not long ago but this year in August while outlining a new strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia, President Donald Trump accused Pakistan of giving “safe haven to agents of chaos, violence and terror” and threatened that “Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with our effort in Afghanistan”.
The analysis of the above few anti-Pakistan statements from US administration is a clear message to Pakistan that USA even today stands with India and not Pakistan and will continue the policy of pressing Pakistan and demanding to do more. USA will do utmost efforts to gear in India in Afghanistan, which will ultimately be detrimental for Pakistan particularly in the view of facts that India has been using the soil of Afghanistan for terror activities inside Pakistan.Today, Pakistan stands in an odd situation despite of losing 60 thousands innocent people both civilians and troops, women and children in this war on terror and allowing USA to use its infrastructure, which included roads, airports, seaports and airspace. The rough calculations by the economic experts of Pakistan indicate that USA owes minimum US$400 million for using the soil, infrastructure of Pakistan. There is no free lunch in the world and how could America expect to use all these facilities in Pakistan without any payment.
The amount so far US has paid to Pakistan for war on terror is $14.573 billion, which US has always labelled as an ‘aid’ for Pakistan which was never on account of any ‘aid’ but actually the Coalition Support Fund CSF), which is to be reimbursement to Pakistan for expenses for facilities made available to the coalition forces.
Pakistanis feel left out and dejected to perceive that all efforts, sacrifices and services of our country seem to have gone wasted obviously for the reasons that USA have been bashing Pakistan rather than to appreciating its pivotal role in America’s War on Terror. Pakistan will be within its rights to say no to the demand “Do More” as Pakistan has done more than “Do More” and it is the time for USA to recognize the sacrifices of Pakistan and not to pressurize it by asking “Do More” at a time when Pakistan itself is suffering internal polarization, political uncertainty, threats on the borders both on Eastern and Western, left with destroyed infrastructure and shaking economy due to its unwise involvement in War on Terror on one phone call from Bush Administration and today we are continuously suffering for that one ‘yes’.
Preferring, supporting and militarizing India and invoking its role in already damaged and unstable Afghanistan is a clear indication and it looks that Mr. Donald Trump and his administration are not serious to restore peace in this region but aiming to create more space for India to put more chaos in the region as India will play role of ‘agent of chaos’ in Afghanistan to harm Pakistan and the region at large.
It is my sincere advice to USA to look at the situation of South Asia with impartial mind and weigh the role of Pakistan in War in Terror and all your indicators will lead you to believe that it is Pakistan which helped USA and not India.
Mr. Rex the people of Pakistan are once again disappointed to hear your “Do More” demand. Please come out from this syndrome of do more and let us work together to smash terrorists. Moreover, I strongly urge USA to accept Pakistan as a victim and stop being unappreciative of Pakistan’s efforts in eliminating terrorism.
Lastly, the discrimination against Pakistan must also stop and US must work with Pakistan on equal basis to fight against terrorists. Because this is the only way terrorism can be defeated permanently from the region.
The Article has been published in ‘’The Nation’’ on October 29, 2017.

Why our National Policies Fail

It is globally recognized that the success of any nation is judged by three main factors, namely prosperity, progress and peace. These 3 Ps can be made possible with well thought out and well considered policies based on thorough research and reliable statistical data, which are under taken with a realistic approach and determination.
The three factors of any country namely economy, internal security and external policy are correlated and inter-dependent for coordinated performance. Let us critically review the status of implementation of these 3 factors which have given rise to developed countries as they have categorically committed not to compromise on these three factors, come what may.
Hence the important lesson learnt from the developed nations in policy making is that we should constitute realistic and workable policies depending on our geographical and economic requirements and keeping in view our GDP, balance of payment, internal and external debts, agricultural growth, and our foreign exchange reserves.
If we overview the last six years of the “Five Years Development Plan” of the Planning and Development Division, we would see invariably that the framework is based on the fudged figures. According to this plan the exports are projected to grow at 3.6 percent per annum, while imports will grow at 5 percent per annum. The estimated exports for year 2015-16 were $25,547 billion whereas actually the total exports declined to $20,802 billion. The month-on-month analysis shows that country’s exports are declining by 9.8 percent. Recently the government announced that by the end of 2018, Pakistan will achieve $35 billion of exports with a significant decrease in imports however the reality seems to be at odds as the nation’s trade gap has increased up to 60 percent inclining more towards imports.
Similarly the total public debt to GDP was estimated to be 62 percent for year 2015-16, whereas it actually crossed 66 percent. Moreover, the foreign debt displayed an increase of 28 percent and went from Rs4.796tr in 2013 to Rs6.14tr in 2016.
The value of Pak rupees has also plunged down 3.1 percent to 108.1 against dollar breaking records of nine years. Similarly the development budget is also underutilized. In the year 2016 the ministries utilised around Rs.177 billion in the first 10 months against 259 billion where as it should have used not less than 80 percent of the budget for development. Meanwhile Baluchistan government utilised only one third of its education budget of year 2016 which could build almost 2900 primary schools and educate 430,000 children. Similarly 47 percent of the education budget was underutilized by the KP government.
We witness a blame game between the federal and the provincial governments. The federal government is of the view point that it is due to the incompetence and lack of efficiency of the provincial governments that the budget is not fully utilised for development purposes whereas the provincial governments complain that the delay in the release of funds from the centre is the actual cause of underutilisation of the budget.
The figures mentioned earlier undeniably indicate that there are some serious lacunas / lapses either in working of the statistical data or figures are being fudged. Thus it looks like a deliberate effort by the government to look better in performance than the previous government.Moreover, our internal security also largely depends upon our economics and peace I believe is a major factor for the economic growth and development. Peace cannot be brought unless the law enforcement is done without discrimination by the capable and able law enforcers. The law enforcers cannot bring in rule of law unless they are fully equipped, trained and well paid. It is unfortunate that none of this is done due to the non-availability of funds. As per police budget 2015-16, 80 percent of the budget is utilised in pays and allowances whereas only 2 percent for training, 7 percent for fuel and 10 percent for other departmental operations.
Moreover, the process of fund transfer is exceptionally slow therefore it compels the policemen to arrange the resources own their own in order to perform the day to day activities. Unfortunately, In March 2017, one of the ASI from Chakwal took his life because of the work load and lack of resources provided. He mentioned in his suicide note that he had not received salary for last 3 months. So one must ponder that how can policemen work to protect us when their basic needs are not even taken care of.
In order to get out of this mess, the rulers must ensure a well thought policy for coming 15 years and work in such a way that Pakistan becomes a need for other countries. It can only be done by studying the contents of such nations who have previously improved their weaknesses, as it is the right way to progress, peace and prosperity.
I on my part have also identified the reasons for the failure of our policy. Reasons for failure are unending. Following are a few, which serve as a food for thought and retrospection; from 1947 to 1958 change of governments in quick succession, seven PMs in 11 years. Imposition of four martial laws 1958 1969 1977 and 1999 had catastrophic effect on national institutions like legislative executive and judiciary and undermined rule of law. More so, short life of national policies Ayyub’s policy of industrialisation through private sector was reversed by ZAB. In turn Zia ul haq rolled back nationalisation introduced by Bhutto. Elected PMs of 90s have been trying to subvert each other’s policies. Furthermore the disconnected, divergent and mutually antagonistic policies of successive governments were nonstarters and suffered inherent weaknesses.
Moreover, terrorism, Taliban, civil disorder and political mafias like in Karachi contributed to the failure of policies.
The research trends show that most of the policies like foreign policy, economic policy, and external policies have not been taken up seriously since independence despite having the best brains and best resources; man power, mountains, minerals, forests and deserts.
I have a question to the planners; can they tell the nation that what steps did they take to explore the right type of mining in Baluchistan and other parts of the country? Why has the government not allocated the maximum funds to the law enforcement agencies as this is a vital and an elementary necessity which is indispensable for economic safety? Why has the government failed to stop brain-drain from the country, and also has failed to capture/utilise the best I.T. experts for the country?
I therefore demand that well thought out policies be made for apt utilisation of the resources under a strict monitoring body, making the process of implementation of those policies exclusive of corruption and biasness. It is time that we stand for our nation and not for the individuals. So let us look into the
future and work together to face the upcoming challenges and make achievable polices to benefit our coming generations because the policies of our past must not define our future but provide us with the guidelines to learn from our mistakes.
 The Article has been published in “THE NATION” on September 26, 2017.

An Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister, I write to you today under great urgency in back drop of certain allegations of supporting terrorists that are a result of false propaganda by anti-Pakistan elements/states that are casting long shadows of gloom over the nation’s future foreign relations. We cannot ignore the fact that in the recent past, due to the Government’s debilitated and complacent attitude, we suffered irreparable damage to our Foreign Policy that has placed us in diplomatic wilderness.
Today after laying down more than 60,000 lives and suffering a loss of more than $123-billion for participating in the War on Terror, which was brought upon us in the greater interest of USA’s geo-strategic ambitions, we stand isolated due to our inept and casual handling of the foreign affairs. We are faced with gloomy prospects of a humiliating retreat in our economy, internal security, foreign policies and the foreign reserves. We have earned only internal political polarisation and have surrendered space to various extremist narratives and barriers. The absence of practical guidelines from the Parliament has diminished it into an inflated debating club, which is losing its utility. We should have been treated as victims with all our sacrifices in the War on Terror but on the contrary we are being named as supporters of terrorists because of our failure to counter anti-Pakistan propaganda.
It has now left the nation wondering why Pakistan has been led to become an international punch bag, and above all, where shall it all lead to? Do we have a strategy to regain our lost grounds with the international community? Do we have a strong way forward to expose the continued evil designs of India and war games designed by Indian PM Modi to expand his designs from Afghanistan to China?
Our insensitivity towards the engineered perception, created by Indian media regarding the BRICS ‘Xiamen Declaration’ of 4 September, 2017, is a wake-up call. Sadly, we failed to recognise the dimensions and threats concealed in President Donald Trump’s ‘Afghan Policy’ unveiled on 22 August, 2017, and the linkage with the Indian tirade against Pakistan fuelled by its zeal in diplomatically isolating Pakistan. The nation has not yet seen anything concrete to counter this, except a track II meeting with USA at the lower midlevel.
Rising anti-Muslim hysteria being whipped up by India in an effort to find a cosy berth on the USA led block speaks volumes about our inability to take up the challenge in line with the aspirations of our public who have voted us into our respective positions. It is indeed tragic and humiliating that due to selfish and self-motivated diplomatic behaviour, not a single Islamic country said a single word in our defence in the face of President Donald Trump’s barrage of accusations against Pakistan. Do the Muslim countries not know of our sacrifices in the War on Terror? Or is it some other motive that has led them to sealing their lips in front of the Trump administration?
Furthermore, our failure to recognise the ulterior motives and Indian strategies for the ‘Deklan Issue’ and its subsequent resolution, as a forerunner of the BRICS summit in China, and subsequently failing to secure a position of even an observer in the BRICS summit, speaks volumes about our silent foreign policy. The absence of any pre-emptive action from our side only adds insult to injury.
Sadly, the continued inertness to respond to the recent developments, narrated above, simply reflects the total incapacitation of our foreign policy. The negligent performance of Foreign Office, whose senior officials are engaged in internal squabbling, have only facilitated the transformation of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s fictional ambitions into ‘Narendra Modi’s War’, as was done in case of USA Congressman’s “Charlie Wilson’s War”. The absence of any mention of Indian atrocities in Kashmir from all forums, including BRICS, remains a glaring gap in our foreign policy efforts.
I recall, that when we were faced with similar risks in our tenure, President Asif Ali Zardari had the vison to develop “The Friends of Pakistan” forum that helped put our narrative across the world effectively.
Dear Mr. Prime Minister, the nation needs mitigation of these grievances urgently and wants to break out of this vicious cycle of failures. It will probably not suffice to concede to India’s baseless accusations, and accept that there are said groups present in Pakistan. Sir, this is an admission of failure, which coming from the government can be diplomatically fatal. We need an effective and sustainable narrative to dispel the negative perception of our motherland.
Our nation is extremely perturbed on the genocide of the Rohingya Muslims triggered in Myanmar in synchronisation with India’s allegations and announcement to deport 60,000 Rohingya Muslims from India. The atrocities have been confirmed by UN and beg an appropriate national response beyond mere lip service from Pakistan’s government. Where is that very same UN which seeks extension in the stay of Afghan refugees?
What we need at the moment is complete solidarity between the nation and its institutions. We also need to muster up and trust our collective wisdom to counter the present crises both at home and abroad. I propose in the larger national interest to urgently convene an All Parties Conference (APC) without delay to develop consensus and chalk out our way forward through these troubled waters. We should be able to modify and invigorate our narrative to set our own house right and come up with a befitting diplomatic response to change the biased mind-set of the international community against Pakistan.
We should also follow the APC with a Joint Parliamentary Session, and discuss the issues arising from Mr. Donald Trump’s Afghan Policy and Indian ambitions, and our future road map to meet these challenges. Moreover, we must not hesitate to identify our failures and weaknesses, and devise alternate means to arrest the declining situation. I hope that in face of the rising urgency to address these issues, you would call the APC and seek the calling of Joint Session through your good offices.
Mr Prime Minister in these difficult times, you have a huge responsibility of putting Pakistan’s clearer perspective out into the world. And it is my humble advice to you to take this initiative. You will not be surprised to find the entire nation standing behind you in the larger interest of Pakistan.
The Article has been published in “THE NATION” on September 08, 2017.
Link to the Article: An Open Letter to Prime Minister By Senator A.Rehman Malik

A True Trail of Benazir’s Assassination

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto fell victim to deep-rooted animosity of conservative right-wing forces in and outside the country against liberal PPP and its leadership. 
The coup d’état by Gen Zia put him at the helm of affairs and through his dictatorial regime he had the sole agenda of destroying the party and its leadership and his attempt of introduction of Islamic reforms in the country was basically to win over the support of religious parties against the PPP. 
The patronage of military dictator Gen Ziaul Haq helped the conservative right wing religious groups nourished, taste flavour of money and power thus penetrating in the society with a clear agenda of enforcing their brand of Islam. 
Gen Zia, through these religious groups demonised and discredited the leadership of the party by building and propagating a narrative that the PPP leadership is anti-Islam by describing its slogan “Roti, Kapra & Makan” as un-Islamic and pro-Western based on its ideology of empowerment of every citizen of Pakistan especially women. 
The religious fanatics were instigated against Benazir Bhutto with propagandas at all levels. I remember having investigated a murder attempt on Benazir when I was FIA director and during the course of investigation I found that one of the conspirators in his first attempt, on the life of Benazir in Karachi stated that the leadership of al-Qaeda was against Benazir Bhutto because; “she was a woman and she had no right to rule an Islamic country; she was a Shia and that she was pro-West”. Lately, one of the accused of October 27, 2007 incident had, once interviewed/interrogated him inside the jail by one of the members of the JIT, reiterated the same ideology vis-à-vis Benazir Bhutto justifying her assassination. 
This speaks voluminously as to how much the religious militants had been against the personality of Benazir Bhutto. I along with my team interrogated Yousaf Ramzi, who reinforced his statement and proudly stated that it is true that we wanted to eliminate BB. He made a bomb to blow her up in a flat near a lighthouse. It would be pertinent to mention that Benazir Bhutto Shaheed had been the continuous target of the terrorists prior to the last fateful incident. The series of attempts on her life are indicative of the fact that vested interests /al-Qaeda were bent upon eliminating her since her emergence on the horizon of politics of Pakistan. The summary of the earlier attempts is mentioned below to understand the mindset of the hostile elements and al-Qaeda and its associates. 
The first assassination attempt was carried out near Bilawal House in 1995. Fazlullah Hamdi at Abu Talha resident of Panjgur, Balochistan, was arrested by the then Frontier Police (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) for links with terrorists had disclosed that Yousaf Ramzi, Capt Abdul Hakim alias Majid and others had planned assassination of Benazir prior to 1993 elections. The planning to murder Benazir included planting a bomb in a gutter near Bilawal House. However, this could not be carried out as Yousaf Ramzi got injured at his flat in Karachi while making the bomb. Ramzi, consequently, remained under treatment in a hospital under fake name and got discharged before police could reach him. 
The second assassination attempt was in 1993. Subsequently, Abdul Shakoor, a staunch affiliate of Sipah-e-Sahaba, and a close associate of Yousaf Ramzi was arrested by Peshawar Police for carrying ammunition to Karachi by train confirmed about two assassination attempts conspired and planned by Yousaf Ramzi, Capt Abdul Hakim alias Majid and Munir Ibrahim including himself. According to Abdul Shakoor, Osama bin Laden had pumped a lot of money to religious parties in Pakistan for this purpose. Munir Ibrahim whereby was the paymaster on behalf of Osama bin Laden. 
Third assassination attempt was carried out on October 18, 2007 when Benazir arrived in Karachi from Dubai to lead the party in the coming general elections and was heading towards Mazar-e-Quaid, when two powerful bombs exploded in close proximity of her truck where I was present and barely survived but that burnt her hair and she also sustained burn injuries. It was another fresh attempt on her life but fortunately she remained safe but hundreds of her supporters gave their lives on October 18. The crime scene washed and FIR hardily registered not by the victim but the state. Basic right of registration of FIR was denied to Benazir. 
This attempt was in furtherance of a threat by Baitullah Mehsud, when he had warned that she would be welcomed with garland of bombs. It is a matter of public record. A senator from Fata from Mehsud tribe is a witness to this statement of Baitullah Mehsud. Having been able to penetrate in the procession of October 18, 2007, the terrorists became encouraged to undertake another assassination attempt on Benazir. On December 12, 2007, one of the terrorists was able to touch the vehicle of BB after a PPP workers’ gathering at Pabbi. They noted that the security after public meetings becomes lax and Benazir always came out of the sunroof of the vehicle to wave to the workers. Subsequent tracking of the movements of the terrorist groups through call record data analysis indicated the presence of Ibad-ur-Rehman, a hardcore militant, in Nowshera, on that day who had later been found involved in the planning and execution of plan of assassination of Benazir on December 27, 2007 at Liaqat Bagh, Rawalpindi. 
The same terrorist group kept on chasing Benazir and conspired and planned assassination attempt on her at Arbab Niaz Stadium, Peshawar, after public meeting on December 26, 2007. I was present with Mohtarma when we were told by the police that a bomber with a jacket was spotted, who wanted to explode on Benazir. 
I demanded the report on it from the NWFP police but they gave no response. We pursued and found out during our own government that Abdullah Saeed (long-necked), Bilal and Ikramullah were the suicide bombers; Nasarullah, a student of Darul Aloom Haqqania, along with two others were the handlers. The plan could not be executed because of the strict security arrangements. In Peshawar, a SP and four DSPs were deputed for the close cordon protection of Benazir as compared to only one ASP at Rawalpindi on 27.12.07. 
After various failed attempts the terrorists /anti-MBB finally managed to target Benazir on December 27, 2007 in Rawalpindi after a well-coordinated and organised attack through three successive gunshots followed by suicide bomb blast in close proximity of her vehicle. As a result, she succumbed to her head injuries besides killing of 23 party workers and 70 people sustaining injuries. It happened that the same terrorist group headed by Ibadur Rehman with Bilal Shah (who exploded himself) and Ikram bomber were the key players to kill her. 
The investigation by FIA had revealed that the conspiracy was hatched by five former students of Madrassa Haqqania, Akora Khattak, namely Nadir Qari Ismail, Nasarullah, Abdullah Saddam and Faiz Muhammad Kiskat at their hostel room. Their credentials were later confirmed through the record of the madrassa. It is also part of the investigation that Baitullah Mehsud had provided the suicide bombers money to carry out the plot to assassinate Benazir. Baitullah Mehsud fulfilled his claim to kill her with his men with the local support of anti-PPP elements. The police had arrested accused Hasnain Gul and Muhammad Rafaqat on January 5, 2008. They subsequently made confessional statement under Section 164 CrPC before a magistrate, disclosing having picked up accused Nasarullah and two suicide bombers namely Bilal and Ikramullah from Daewoo terminal Rawalpindi on December 26, 2007; providing shelter to them at the house of accused Rafaqat Hussain; having carrying out reconnaissance of Liaqat Bagh on December 27, 2007 and bringing both the suicide bombers to the crime scene for suicide attack on Benazir. Graphic forensic mobile phone confirms the interconnection and presence on the scene. The subsequent call record and RBS locations analysis had corroborated the confessional statements of both the accused Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain. 
The police had also arrested Aitzaz Shah, Saifullah, Sher Zaman and Rashid Ahmed and Abdul Rahim Turabi for being privy to and having the knowledge of the conspiracy. The police had also declared six planners and conspirators as proclaimed offenders who were later found killed either by drone attacks or by the security forces in different areas of Fata. 
Ibadur Rehman, an ex-student of Madrassa Haqqania, who had allegedly provided suicide bombers to accused Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain through accused Nasarullah, was reportedly killed in Tirah, Khyber Agency, in a drone attack on 13.5.10 when FIA was chasing to arrest him including 14 other militants including foreigners. Interestingly, it was the only drone attack in Khyber Agency. 
Abdullah Saddam, the ex-student of Madrassa Haqqania, Akora Khattak, allegedly involved in the planning, taking suicide bombers from Baitullah along Nadir Qari Ismail and transportation of suicide vests, were killed in Mamad Gatt, Mohmand Agency in an explosion on 31.5.08 and in Mohmand Agency on 15.1.08, respectively. 
Similarly, Nasrullah Ahmed r/o Madrassa Haqqania, Akora Khattak, who had been focal person in Rawalpindi, took two suicide bombers Saeed Bilal and Ikramullah from Baitullah Mehsud, carried out reconnaissance of the place of occurrence, and was also killed in Mohmand Agency on 15.1.08. 
The other two proclaimed offenders namely Faiz Muhammad Kiskat, ex-student Madrassa Haqqania, and Ikramullah, the second suicide bomber had, however, vanished from the face of the earth. 
The above chronological events are clear manifestation of the persistence chase by al-Qaeda, its affiliated groups and other extremist groups of the country for Benazir. These groups also had the patronage of the protégés of Gen Zia. Mian Nawaz Sharif, one of the ideological disciples, had been one of the fiercest enemy - not political but personal – of Benazir Bhutto. 
The washing of the crime scene just after one hour and forty minutes without any logical and rationale justification resulted in the loss of opportunity to collect vital forensic evidence from the crime scene. The washing of crime scene and earlier withdrawing of security contingent from the place of public meeting is clearly indicative of local and internal support to the terrorists. 
The avoidance of former president Pervez Musharraf to face BB murder trial is leaving a big question mark? Again the murder of a prosecutor Ch Zulfiqar was another attempt to thwart the trial and it is confirmed he was killed by al-Qaeda related family where Khalid Shaikh 2nd in command of al-Qaeda was recovered by IB and now undergoing imprisonment with his nephew Yousaf Ramzi, who tried the first murder attempt on Benazir with the assistance of Capt Abdul Hakeem from Karachi. 
In 1989, a no-confidence move was hatched against the Benazir government at the behest of the Establishment and out of his hatred and aspirations to become the prime minister, Nawaz Sharif had joined hands with it. Reportedly, he had earlier been able to establish his contacts with Osama bin Laden, who financed the first no confidence move against the BB government through late Khalid Khawaja through an undertaking that he would like to see the introduction of Islamic system in Pakistan. 
In 1988, Gen Hameed Gul, the then DG/ISI had played a major role in forging a right-wing conservative alliance against the government of Benazir. Initially Maulana Samiul Haq was announced the president of IJI but later the leadership of IJI was handed over to Nawaz, who was representing the PML and was vying to control the religious and other parties against Benazir. 
In the background, Nawaz was fully helped by then Establishment, which is matter of record and this is how he was favoured by the Establishment to contest 1990 elections against Benazir. In the background of Soviet war, the militant group like LeJ and SSP remained against Benazir. SSP and al-Qaeda became very close and both al-Qaeda and LeJ started terrorist acts throughout the country. 
The assassination of Benazir Bhutto is a culmination of animosity of al-Qaeda aligned terrorists against a woman and Shi’ites and power hungry conservative right wing elements in the country. The above failed attempts are strong indicators as to how inimical and determined al-Qaeda was against Benazir. 
The attack on Benazir was organised/conspired at Miramshah by Baitullah Mehsud and Al-Misri from al-Qaeda and here are the details how it was executed through these five confirmed al- Qaeda members duly and their affiliation and links with al-Qaeda was further confirmed when Mullah Mansoor demanded the release of these accused terrorists through Taliban -government dialogue in Murree. 
The history will never allow condoning these five terrorists with such irrefutable evidence. Scraping the investigation/evidence based on purely technical grounds shall neither be accepted by the party and nor the people of Pakistan. This case was almost closed by the Punjab government and it was the PPP government, which further investigated it by transferring the case from Punjab to FIA. Further investigation was conducted under the supervision of highly credible officer DIG Tariq Khosa and subsequently by additional DIG Khalid Qureshi assisted by a team of FIA officers and representatives from intelligence agencies. 
The team of abovementioned officers is known for their integrity. They recorded my statement under Section 161 CrPC besides others namely Naheed Khan, Safdar Abbasi, Farhatullah Babar, Gen Tauqir, driver of the vehicle and Abdul Razzaq; examined the blackberry of Benazir Bhutto; examined Gen Musharraf, police officer on duty, Punjab JIT members, in-laws of accused Ibadur Rehman; carried out forensic analysis of call record data; got DNA of head of suicide bomber Bilal with the joggers and clothes recovered from the house of Rafaqat, who, in fact, had brought Bilal the second suicide bomber, from Daewoo Adda from Akora Khattak to Rawalpindi. 
It is thus clear that finally al-Qaeda had managed to kill Benazir with local support and she lost her struggle against the terrorists/extremists/dictators. We, PPP workers, will continue our struggle till her murderers are hanged. No doubt these elements are still powerful and had links in the corridors of power and can manage their way using terror as weapon but how long? The evidence on record not only will continue to haunt them but the law of nature will bring them to justice.
The article has been published in ‘The news international’ on September 07, 2017

Well done China, Pakistan’s all-weather Friend

It reminds me of the first visit of the late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to China in February 1972 where the foundation of strong friendship was laid by him and it was the beginning of the road of friendship. Both countries had since then built their ties selflessly at diplomatic level and people to people. China came forward to help Pakistan on the following occasions.
In Sino-Indian war of 1962, China joined hands with Pakistan against India. After one year of the Sino-India war, Karakoram Tract was built to improve diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. Similarly as Pakistan opened way for China to the West, it made Richard Nixon, the then US president to visit China in 1972. China in return provided extensive economic aid and political support towards Pakistan.
China helped Pakistan in 1965 and 1971 wars when there was no hope of external support for Pakistan. It provided a lot of military equipment to the Pakistan Army, helped in establishment of factories, provision of technological facilities as well as financial support. With the rise of China’s status, it continued to take along younger brother Pakistan and helped it in developing its civil nuclear power plants and is still helping it to overcome energy shortage in the country. China also gave technical and material support in completing, Chashma power plant which is very vital to Pakistan. Late in 2010, China donated $260 million dollars to the flood-hit areas of Pakistan. Other than that, China has always and is still helping Pakistan economically and in many development sectors.
We have experienced that the Chinese have a lot of respect for Pakistan in their hearts. The leadership of China played a key role in joining hands with the then president Asif Ali Zardari to enhance the economic ties and in fact it was the then president Zardari who worked hard to enhance the ties between the two countries by providing number of opportunities for Chinese public and private sector. After Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the only leader who appeared to have a fair understanding of the need for strengthening economic ties with China was the then president Zardari. He also knew that in order to maintain economic and strategic connectivity with South Asia, China required a safe passage through Pakistan. This had acquired greater relevance after China became the second largest importer of oil in the world. On the strategic front, the Chinese dream of getting a foothold in the Indian Ocean, without having an aircraft carrier got fulfilled with the development of the Gwadar port.
The initiative taken by Mr Zardari, which has now been named as CPEC, would help not only stabilize Pakistan but also the whole region including Afghanistan. The CPEC’s total worth is around $46 Billion, which is meant for collection of infrastructure and energy projects. The project initially was launched in 2015. After the completion of the project, the 3,000-km network of roads, railways and pipelines will link western China to Southern Pakistan.
The CPEC is a part of Chinese President Xi Jinping's Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Maritime Silk Road projects, two development plans that seek to deepen Mainland China's economic cooperation with a number of Asian and European countries. The corridor will pass through Baluchistan province making employment opportunities available for the Baloch youth.
Pakistan's motivation for investing in the project is two-fold: it hopes that the CPEC will brace economic development and stimulate energy production. Moreover, $35 billion will be invested in coal and LNG-based thermal energy projects in Pakistan.
More than 17,000 Pakistani security personnel have been tasked with providing protection for Chinese nationals in Pakistan. It was reported in April than Pakistan was set to deploy an additional 4,000 personnel to provide security for Chinese nationals working on the CPEC - amongst other projects - in Punjab province. Pakistan and China will monitor the progress made on CPEC projects using a satellite, which is set to be launched in June 2018.
It is road to progress and peace as it is going to be source of employment for youth, which will be helpful to de-radicalize the misled youth. Both countries are facing terrorism from Talban and ETMI.
The upcoming role of China in the region has started unnecessarily pinching India and some in West. India is seemingly taking help from USA against China. USA will support India by providing arms and ammunitions& Ariel defence capability. It can also influence other countries to support India against China and Pakistan as USA sees China as competitor in the race of global superpower.
China recently defended Pakistan openly against Donald Trump’s criticism against the country and recent threat to Pakistan. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reaffirmed Beijing's support to Pakistan. It was very timely support to Pakistan. Spokeswoman Hua Chunying asserted that Pakistan was on the front line in the struggle against terrorism and had made "great sacrifices" and "important contributions" in the fight against terrorism. Chunying called on the international community to recognize Pakistan's role in the fight against terrorism.
In the emerging situation in South Asia because of extra ordinary interest of USA and unusual interference in the region, it is forcing a new potential regional alliance of Pakistan, China and Russia to counter USA in this region. It has been seen in recent months that Pakistan, Russia and China are one step closer to formalizing their alliance, with other nations – like Turkey and Iran – aimed at joining the superpower triangle.
Pakistan and Russia are likely to become part of an alliance with China in view of the present fast developing regional situation. Islamabad and Moscow’s decades-long rivalry during and after the Cold War has already come to end. The Pakistanis and Russians relations in fact were improved during the visit of Mr Zardari as head of the state to Russian and subsequent number of bilateral meetings between Mr Zardari with senior leadership of Russia. The writer was eyewitness to these very cordial and result-oriented interactions.
These interactions and consistent efforts have resulted in active engagements of three countries, which will further bring qualitative diplomatic change and strong defence protection for this volatile region and it will also block undue interference in this region by USA.
China and Pakistan may possibly form a superpower circle with specific agenda and I further propose that there should be China-Russia-Pak nuclear club with well-defined mandate for the ultimate regional betterment and prosperity of the masses, which is the need of the time. I am confident that it will happen in the larger interest for the peaceful world.
China performed to rise as economic leader which has dismayed many and this US-China Cold War will further step up in future. There is no doubt that China can act as balancing power to block any US venture in South Asia and triangular understanding of above alliance can play its very positive role. There is no doubt that China has gradually emerged as one of the influential world leader with its skilful and carefully designed policies. This success of China is dedicated to the wisdom of successive Chinese leadership and hard work of Chinese people.
It is matter of public record that even China has tried to play significant role to bring Afghan Talban on the table with present and past Rulers of Afghanistan where even USA had its presence in these meetings. There had been collective efforts from many States including Pakistan. All the stake holders should make yet another effort and let it be led by China to resolve the internal conflicts in Afghanistan and Pakistan will continue to support this peace initiative as Pakistan believes firmly that peaceful Afghanistan means safer Pakistan.
The role of China has always been very pragmatic and friendly to the world. We Pakistanis are proud of Chinese friendship and we are very proud to see the economic growth of China and its unmatched rise in the international community.
Pakistanis say from the depth of hearts "THANK YOU CHINA" for supporting us in these odd moments. We feel your success is our success and your enemies are our enemies. We have one voice today "well-done China". May God bless our Sino-Pak friendship. Pak-Cheen Dosti Zindabad
The article has been published in ‘The news international’ September 2, 2017

Rule of Law; or Law to Rule

The symmetrical nature created by all mighty Allah follows the law of nature, and there is no room for violation within Allah Tala’s system. There is no doubt in saying that it is regulated by nature without any past and thus we see no discrepancy in any form.
Man-made laws were developed and nurtured when the first of creation settled in the form of colonies and societies and were made to regulate these societies to eliminate injustice. When there were no written laws, individuals and clans used to take revenge from those who used to offend them or their way of living by any means. But later when mankind progressed, the laws on criminality and injustice prevailed, paving new ways for civil societies.
With the passage of time, people realized the grave importance of law and justice.
Similarly, many developed countries today are successful and prosperous not just because of their well written laws but also because of the impartial implementation of those laws. The rich of these countries are subjected to the same laws as the poor. And there is no special treatment for those in power. In these societies it’s not just the severity of law that matters but also the certainty of the law which is implemented and that too without any discrimination and prejudice.
Our beloved country Pakistan came into being in 1947 and we adopted 1956’s constitution. The constitution of 1956 provided a federal system with powers resting with the parliament. Unfortunately even before the first parliamentary elections, Iskandar Mirza abrogated the devised constitution and imposed martial law as he did not approve of the law. This was the first time that a powerful leader had betrayed his country to impose controlled democracy. The lust of power overpowered his consciousness.
After an unfortunate series of events that Pakistan had to go through, ultimately a time came where the previous laws could not implement the rule of law in a country shaken by war; hence the then PM Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto decided to bring in 1973 constitution. The constitution which is still followed in most of its entirety was not only a comprehensive document, but also provided protection to, each province, sect, and religion and to everybody living in Pakistan. It was the constitution which was agreed upon by all political parties. However the fate of 1973 constitution was similar to that of the previous one; it started getting defaced with every new dictator and hence “the rule of law” became “the law to rule the people of Pakistan by tailoring the constitution to create fear.
The nation witnessed open lashes to political workers, who were lashed to create fear to suppress freedom of speech. The embedded fear in the hearts of people created an atmosphere of terror against the state; and any voice that dared to challenge the terrorizing laws and their horrifying implementation, was shut down immediately. The dictators became the law, and the law became the wishes of the dictators; hence the rule of law quickly became the rule of the dictator.
The law was torn into shreds when the custodian of justice in the country, the Supreme Court itself, became party to the malicious intentions of dictators time and again. Ultimately this course of action led to the judicial murder of Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, which the entire world witnessed. It was heartbreaking to see General Zia Ul Haq being congratulated by no less than Justice Inwar Ul Haq in the Army House on the day Bhutto was sentenced to death.
I was a junior officer present in that function and when I witnessed the withering away of the rule of law at the hands of the dictator celebrating the death of the leader of the public; it was than when I had fully understood the reason behind Bhutto’s conviction.
The decision allowing Bhutto’s death sentence to be carried out made the people of Pakistan lose their faith in the rule of law. The time continued, laws and rules kept being made and broken over and over again. The nation instead of stepping forward in the world of modern legal and court reforms, kept on getting sunk into the dark hole of victimization and injustice.
The irony of Pakistan as a nation is that we want “law” to hold others accountable but want ourselves to be exempted for similar offenses; then we have all sorts of explanations to justify our actions. What we need to understand is that lawlessness creates unruly nations, as laws are made to discipline people and protect their rights and ensures high quality of life.
The so called “elite class” is also responsible, as they deem themselves above and beyond any law. The role of the politicians in protecting such elements should also be condemned. They are saved by the politicians to protect their own voter hubs; who get their votes but for a very high price – the abrogation of justice. As a consequence these individuals become bigger and stronger than the law itself. Unfortunately the law enforcing institutions like police knows them but the claws of these elements have become so big that even the Police is unable to touch them because everyone has a protector.
Furthermore, in recent years there have been many events where Fake FIRs have been registered against innocents whereas the actual criminals have the audacity to roam around in the streets freely. Recently almost 60,000 cases of “crimes against person” had been reported and out of which more than 1100 FIRs were revoked after detailed investigations. Fortunately the new criminal amendment bill 2017 suggests up to a life time imprisonment upon severity of the fabricated information being given to law enforcement agencies which used to be either 6 months or fine of Rs.3000 only.
If we see the number of complaints and disposal of cases in every province; the figures display a rather pathetic situation. Among the 1,954,868 court cases countrywide, 1,274,310 are pending with Punjab’s district judiciary, 121,180 with Sindh, 188,561 with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 13,882 with Baluchistan’s district courts and 31,018 cases remain unresolved with the district judiciary of Islamabad to date.
I strongly feel that rule of law cannot be implemented unless free and fair accountability is carried out and good governance cannot be brought back until accountability is used as yard stick equally applicable on judiciary, politicians and on every other institution and individual residing in Pakistan. I hope sense prevails and the parliament rises above its political gains. I would like to think that parliament of Pakistan will one day solely and wholly think about interest of our beloved country and about the future generations; where they are taught to be honest and hardworking, and where there is no injustice based on class and discrimination. We need rule of law in the country for better governance and not law as a tool for the elite class to rule public for their own ends.
The article has been published in “THE NATION” on August 31, 2017

To the President of United States

Mr. President, I am taking this opportunity to write you in response to your new strategy with relation to Afghanistan and Pakistan, announced recently and to draw your attention to the factual situation from the hard facts, which should be in the notice of the people of America in general and in particular in your kind notice as President of America.
Mr. President, unfortunate incident of 9/11 had jolted the whole world. I will not go into various theories and reports on this incident but fact remain that USA directly suffered because of this act of terrorism. The investigations reveal that none of 19 terrorists involved in this heinous crime was of Pakistani origin. In retaliation, the US President Bush decided to attack the terrorists including Osama Bin Laden inside Afghanistan who, reportedly, was the mastermind behind the 9/11 incident and sought the help of President General Musharraf who agreed to cooperate in the larger interest of the global security. The Government of Pakistan, consequently, allowed the space both on ground and air.
Similarly, in the past USA used the soil of Pakistan to fight its war against the erstwhile Soviet Union in Afghanistan. The meeting of Mr. William Casey, the then Director of CIA and Mr. Akhtar A. Rehman, the then DG ISI is also a part of record and this was another favour to USA by helping America in this war. Pakistan became ally both times in good faith and to help the international community on the said war against terrorism.
As a result of Pakistan’s engagement in the war on terror, the terrorists (Taliban) became enemies of Pakistan for helping USA and the war shifted from Afghanistan to the soil of Pakistan and we lost Malakand, Swat another areas of Fata to Taliban.
History is a stanch witness to the sacrifices of Pakistan in fighting this war which was imposed on us in a bid to do more and more for USA and its allies. We had been nursing, feeding more than 5.8 million refugees with additional financial burden on account of hosting millions of Afghan refugees. Is it not doing more for Afghanistan apart from helping Afghanistan in their war on terrorism?
Mr. President, this is only Pakistan and Afghanistan where there is no international border control and more than 7000 Afghans move freely to Pakistan on daily basis but Afghanistan never acknowledged and appreciated this generosity of Pakistan rather blamed Pakistan.
It is a matter of fact that Pakistan has always given full support to USA starting from provision of logistic support, facility of air space, sharing of intelligence and conducted many common operations on the Pak-Afghan border.
Pakistan shares the concerns of the international community vis-à-vis fragile political and security situation of Afghanistan and Pakistan would, at the same time, remind the international community including USA that Pakistan had played its due and sincere role in the war on terror despite its own financial constraints.
If the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating coupled with frequent terrorist attacks against the US and Afghan personnel and installations despite the heavy presence of US and allied forces in Afghanistan and pumping of billions of dollars then the US Administration is advised to look for the causes and solutions inside Afghanistan rather than Pakistan. Afghanistan has, in fact, become hotbed of terrorism and the terrorist activities inside Pakistan are planned and executed from the soil of Afghanistan contrary to the claim made by you Mr. President.
Mr. President, it is also matter of record that before the start of Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistan had warned Afghanistan to seal the borders to deny the opportunity to the terrorists to cross border in Afghanistan but unfortunately Afghanistan did not cooperate. Now these terrorists are playing in the hands of RAW and NSD, who are being funded and trained by these agencies to carry out terrorist activities inside Pakistan. It is, therefore, absolutely out of context to blame Pakistan for any failure of Afghanistan and allied forces in that country.
Afghanistan is contributing 42% of the drugs to the world and supplying the direct death to European countries and Afghanistan despite having all the support of law enforcement approach have so far failed to stop this growth and supply of drugs.
The US rhetoric vis-à-vis ‘Do More’ had been non-ending despite the facts that Pakistan has done everything possible to combat the terrorists at the cost of its own security and sovereignty. The decision for use of drone attacks on Pakistan soil was a unilateral decision of USA and protest was made against the drone attacks to Mr. Holbrooke, the then Ambassador of USA to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I proposed at that time that drone attacks in Pakistani territory are counterproductive and the local innocent victims are also joining the terrorist organisations, hence drone attacks should be stopped by USA and let Pakistan and USA both to device a common strategy to deal the terrorists both aerial and on ground. USA never agreed to have a common counter-terrorism strategy against the common enemy means terrorists.
I in the capacity of former federal interior minister of Pakistan and having dealt with the issues directly can confirm to you that I have always been advocating with President Bush, President Barack Obama, Ms. Condoleezza Rice and Mr. John Kerry for a common strategy to fight against these terrorists. I have always been giving the suggestion of common counter-terrorism strategy being an ally of USA for which I have been persistently talking on media, writing to all forums including yourself but no attention was given in the past on my suggestion.
I refer to my article published in Pakistan leading English Newspaper “The News” dated 20th August, 2017 titled “Do More Pakistan’ syndromes of USA” and my earlier eight points advice sent to you on 19th May, 2017, wherein I had requested you to please take along the entire Muslim community to fight against few terrorists and you will have full support of Muslims against terrorists.
Mr. President, your threat to the Pakistani nation had been viewed as a callous as Pakistan was expecting that you will treat Pakistan as victim of war and would appreciate its sacrifices in the war on terror. Despite threats from eastern borders, Pakistan has focused its resources both in terms of personnel and finances, on fighting against terrorists inside Pakistan and along Pak-Afghan border. The claim that US has provided billions of dollars to Pakistan has been made out of context as it was never been financial aid but payment against services provided by Pakistan to US forces.
I really appreciated your idea of common strategy for fighting the war against terrorism. People of Pakistan will welcome the outlines of your common strategy against the common enemy and Pakistan will not hesitate to continue to fight against the terrorists and contribute in your common strategy to weed out these enemies of humanity.
Mr. President, Pakistan is a peaceful nation and has suffered a lot since 1979 being supporter of USA – both in Soviet-Afghan war and now in this war on terror -- and instead of asking us to do more, I propose Mr. President you do more and we will contribute our more input in your new strategy to fight against the terrorism for the sake of international peace and to make the world peaceful and terrorism free.
Last but not the least, we are a sovereign state which has always helped USA in this war hence, please do not lend your ears to the Indian Prime Minister Modi as he is inimical against Pakistan and kindly review Mr. Modi’s record being a terrorist having once banned to visit USA. He functions through RSS of India, which has a motto to inflict Pakistan at all forums. People of Pakistan will always support any strategy against the terrorists under your vision and we expect that this menace can only be finished with collective wisdom and collective common strategy at all levels to smash these terrorists.
  With Best Regards,  
Senator A. Rehman Malik
Former federal interior minister of Pakistan.
The letter has been published in ‘The News International’ on 25 August, 2017

The Trump Threat

Pakistan has always been unlucky as far as friendship with the US is concerned. Each time, the US uses Pakistan and later abandons it without any guilt or remorse.
The history of President Donald Trump’s statements is a clear indication of his upsetting attitude towards Pakistan. Long before the presidency race, Trump had worrisome sentiments about Pakistan, suggesting to pull-back on aid stating, “They are not friends of ours, (There are) plenty of other terrorists in Pakistan, we know that.” He also called Pakistan “a vital problem, because they have a thing called nuclear weapons”. Similarly, in an interview, President Trump favoured keeping 10,000 troops in Afghanistan to contain Pakistan and keep an eye on it up close. In several other interviews, he kept on mentioning the unusual concern over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and their safety.
Furthermore, President Trump also believes that Pakistan is providing safe havens to the Taliban and other terrorist organisations. Back in 2012, Trump tweeted, “When will Pakistan apologise to us for providing a safe sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden for 6 years”. Ironically, even now as the President of the United States, he is fed the same lies by the Pentagon. The ground reality is very different than the rhetoric which the Trump administration is selling to its public and the world. These allegations do not prove the support of terrorists by Pakistan and we must not give in to any pressure and accept something we are not guilty of.
History shows that Pakistan has always lent a hand, right from providing Badhbair airbase to USA during the Cold War to fight against the Soviet army in Afghanistan and to fight the War on Terror post-9/11. This practical support was in line with the ethos of friendship and in the greater interests of global peace and security. However, the unwavering support in all international security matters was never taken in the same spirit; rather, Pakistan was left alone in the hour of need.
Ever since the first Afghan war, Pakistan threw all its available resources including its infrastructure behind the US forces but they still took advantage of the hospitality extended by former President General Musharraf. The US expanded the CIA network in Pakistan against the norms of friendship. The trust of Pakistan was betrayed however; when the US unilaterally used drones to presumably destroy hideouts of terrorists in Pakistan. The drone attacks caused collateral damage in terms of killing innocent people. These drone attacks thus caused ripples amongst the people of Pakistan, as it was considered to be a threat to its sovereignty. This in turn, influenced the minds of innocent people who opted to join terrorist organisations to take revenge for the loved ones they had lost.
Interestingly, we were great friends when Pakistan was assisting two war ventures undertaken by the US. There was no ‘do more’ demand, rather, both FBI and CIA were praising Pakistan at all levels. However, with the failure of the US strategy in Afghanistan, successive US administrations started asking Pakistan to ‘do more’ to cover up their own failures in the South Asian region.
I remember 5-hour long meetings with Mr Mohammad Hanif Atmar, the Interior Minister of Afghanistan at the time, to create a strategy for AF-Pak cooperation to share intelligence on terrorists. We (the two interior ministers) signed an agreement to fight terrorism with a common strategy and a commitment to open immigration posts on the Pak-Afghan border. Mr Muller had flown all the way from the US to sign as witness. Unfortunately, later, this agreement was not honoured by Afghanistan and President Karzai eventually scraped it. President Donald Trump however, must know that Afghanistan does not want to work with Pakistan, as Mr Ashraf Ghani wants to side with his new puppet-master, PM Modi of India.
It is very unfortunate to see that President Trump has chosen this moment, when there is political polarisation in Pakistan and the Pakistan Army is fighting its heart and soul against the terrorists. Moreover, the Indian inimical statements on CPEC are no more a secret. PM Modi has become aggressive against China and has deliberately increased its forces on the Chinese boarder. This move got the Indians a touch of response by China when nearly 50 Indian soldier lost their lives for violating the border. The latest threats by President Trump are clearly driven by the US-Indian nexus serving its own cause.
I believe that the threat of Donald Trump on South Asia is three-pronged; it is a threat to Pakistan, Iran and China at the same time (without their names being mentioned). The chest-thumping against Pakistan will automatically bring more suffering to Afghanistan, as threats to Pakistan will further deteriorate the security situation in Afghanistan.
Pakistan does have a right to ask President Trump as to who converted Afghanistan into a war zone. The Afghan-Pak border is a war zone because of the US allowing disgruntled criminals including Osama bin Laden and Yousaf Ramzi to become monsters. Where is the fault of Pakistan? Despite making countless sacrifices, are we to blame for deciding to be your ally during the time of war?
How can President Trump forget that CIA created the infamous Haqqani network along with Abu Sayyaf groups? All these groups reside in Afghanistan and Afghanistan is not under the control of Pakistan but under the Afghan government and US military. It is strange to ask Pakistan to do more when administratively and militarily, the area which is harbouring terrorism is under your control. Mr President do not put the blame of the failures of the Afghan Government in cooperating with Pakistan to stop the flow of terrorists from Pak-Afghan border. We are not a nation to be thrown under the bus for sacrificing our soldiers and innocent people in fighting someone else’s war. We are not just facing the repercussions of the war against terror but also the incompetency of our neighbor Afghanistan, which has caused us a great deal of loss by not cooperating with us in securing the porous border.
President Trump, please see the historical facts of how Pakistan has made sacrifices during this war on terror which was basically your war, which we fought with our blood. Please rethink and do not commit the mistake which was committed by President Bush and Obama in Iraq and Syria.
President Trump, buy peace for South Asia, as selling war would otherwise engulf the whole world. Your recent policy statement vis-à-vis Afghanistan and Pakistan would further fuel the already prevalent hatred against the US. You can control your drones and planes but you will not be able to control mind-sets and radicalisation, which may erupt from this region like the expansion of Daesh worldwide.
Mr President, come with an open heart and let us take forward your wish to create a common strategy against the common enemy. Let the people of Pakistan utter your name with positivity, to be remembered as a peace lover, and not as a supporter of wars and threats. It’s a tested truth that winning peace is way harder than winning a war. At this moment, it is for you to decide what is it that you want to win; peace or war?
The article has been published in “THE NATION” on August 24, 2017

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