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Kashmir bleeds |
I had penned with evidences
in my book “Modi’s War Doctrine” that PM Narendra Modi will become even more
aggressive and lethal for Kashmiris if he comes into power for the second time.
My assessment and apprehensions were based on Indian past conduct and Modi’s
War hysteria. It looks that India will replicate the Israeli model of “ethnic
cleansing” in Kashmir. He has already made his arrangements for ethnic
cleansing through “local village doctrine “under which local Hindus shall be
used against Kashmiris and more troops shall be deployed in Indian Occupied
Kashmir (IOK).
Now even the tourists are
forced to leave Kashmir and Muslims are harassed by extremis Hindus across the
India. The recent use of cluster ammunition against civilian populace across Line
of Control (LoC) is a serious indicator that how far India can go to implement
“Modi’s War Doctrine”. We must now be very clear that India has decided to come
heavy on innocent Kashmiris and Kashmiris need Pakistan and International
support to halt the Indian policy of mass killing of Kashmiris. India has
already placed all its military and intelligence tools to change the status of
Kashmir and to convert the majority of Kashmiris to minority which is an
alarming and dangerous alert for the peace in South Asia.
India will use 5 prone policy to fulfill its evil designs-
1. Enforce full aggression in Kashmir using all the resources — ouster of tourists and media personals for total media blackout for operation and to implement new legal status. Indian will try to completely isolate Kashmir from the world.
2. To increase more pressure across Line of Control (LoC) by intense multiple firing to engage Pakistan at the border and in the meantime to continue ethnic cleansing operations.
3. There will be lethal media propaganda painting Pakistan’s image negative both by Indian and paid international media.
4. India will engineer again a Pulwama like incident ( one or more) under Modi’s s Doctrine to create an excuse for the crack down with fabricated fake evidences to blame Pakistan and this time India will try to undermine Pakistan before President Donald Trump and that will only possible through some acts of terrorism in Kashmir or India providing opportunity to USA by design to pressurise Pakistan to get the desired results in Afghanistan and to sabotage Peace process of bringing Taliban on the table on the USA terms.
5. Modi failed to implement his war doctrine against Pakistan before the election and he was exposed well and our counter measures post Pulwama worked unprecedentedly on the right direction. He is wounded snake and he will now try to fulfil his unfinished agenda against Pakistan. Modi came under terrible pressure from International community and internal political parties after self-created Pulwama drama for his election and Sri Lankan attacks by Daesh operators from India. USA has always drawn benefit from Pakistan by increasing the pressure from India on LOC whereas western boarder is already under USA command. Indo - Pak tension suits to USA in the present situation till Afghan issue is resolved and Cold War with China ends.
We were happy with our
Prime Minister visit to USA and the whole nation celebrated the President
Donald Trump’s disclosure of PM Modi’s offer of mediation on Kashmir but the
claim of the offer was frustrated in 50 minutes by India wherein Indian refuted
President Trump claim. We cannot ignore the visit of highest Indian Army
command to Pentagon within hours after the visit of PM Imran Khan with his high
powered delegation last week.
Let us examine the visit of
PM Imran Khan to USA and Indian Army visit to UK and the ongoing dialogue of
USA with Afghan Taliban and now the aggravated tension on Indo - Pak boarders is enough to disturb the
defence and security analysts of Pakistan. India is up to something and whereas
RSS has stated that there will be no other religion in India except Hinduism by
2035 and they openly claim to eliminate Pakistan within the same years (God forbids)
but these are the evil wishes of BJP government led by butcher of Gujrat want
to become bigger butcher of Kashmir
In view above it is high
time for us to urgently engage a powerful block of friendly countries by
creating SOS situation and government should not restrict now to flowery
statements but needs to move to the International community.
Will the government convene
a very high powered security & National defence conference in Pakistan inviting the world top leadership including
the entire leadership of Muslim Ummah to expose Indian designs for Kashmir and Pakistan?
Will the government dispatch letters displaying the critical situation rising
between Pakistan & India with special envoys from the president to visit
all the heads of states exposing as to how India in endangering the peace of
South Asia and its gross violations of human rights in India & Indian Occupied
Kashmir (IOK). India has started once again pursing its anti Pakistan policies
which need to be countered through aggressive defensive and diplomatic policies.
All political parties must
be called immediately to discuss Indo - Pak growing tension and come with
collective national response.
The article was published in "The Nation" on August 5, 2019, Link to the original article is Modi‘s Kashmir Doctrine of Ethnic Cleansing by Senator A. Rehman Malik
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