The world has been experiencing
various geographic and political transformations as 2 world wars and
uncountable number of proxy wars have been fought among the countries till
Wars are fought because every
country wants dominance over other countries that are comparatively weak. The
major reasons of war include political balances of power, religious or cultural
reasons, land or resources or mainly over the arms conflict. The political
leaders that go for war never realise that wars bring destruction and miseries
for the nations as their infrastructure is destroyed, numerous deaths and
economy is paralysed.
In World War 1, Germany had lost
their two important coal mines namely Alsace and Lorraine and their two ports
(Danzig and Mamel) as well because of which new countries were carved out like
Poland, Czechoslovakia etc. Moreover, they had to pay war reparations of 6600
million pounds in a single installment. When Hitler came to power he disliked
the treaty and invaded Poland which triggered the World War 2 in 1939. Italy
also under Mussolini extended support to Hitler because they felt they were not
treated properly in the Paris peace conference after World War 1. The basic
factors of igniting wars are the same in the world as two countries in war can
suck other countries into such fiascos without realising its fall backs.
We witnessed the fall of Hitler
in the hands of west in World War 2 which changed the face of the world. It
forced the nations to start designing strategies in addition to conventional
war. The new strategies are now being transformed into hybrid war concepts. The
hybrid war strategy is a blend of conventional warfare, irregular warfare as
well as cyberwar fare which include different methods to gain political
interests either through diplomacy, law fare, fake news, foreign electoral interventions,
propagandas or terrorist acts and destruction of economies etc.
Japan was the first one to have
realised and acted smart and adopted the best strategy by saying no war but to
improve the economy and hence it emerged as economic tycoon. Japan decided in
time not to indulge in the war politics.
Similarly China copies the same
model and despite having the best war weapons they decided not to indulge in
the war business but to do business and protect itself with its best diplomatic
The emergence of China as second
best economy of the world, its impressive development in the sector of IT and
its appearance as one of the influential world force is not being digested by
the West.
The world is witnessing a Cold
War and exchange of unpleasant words developing more distrust between USA &
China. It could incite further bad taste between the two countries and its
trickling effects are indirectly affecting the entire world.
North Korea has come with nuclear
capability and its behavior is unique as its playing hide and seek with USA. It
is another pressing point of irritation for USA. We are watching a game of mild
displeasures more often and it looks as of the North Korean young leader Kim
Jong Un is trying to tease Donald Trump.
This Mid- East South Asian Spring
facilitated against Muslim world will be conspired & facilitated by PM Modi
his RSS coupled with ISIS. The alliance is in making especially the recent
statement of PM Modi on 22nd Sept from Huston USA to show his resolve to fight
with Islamic terrorists and what about his RSS -The world will continue to face
the war and game of domination either through conventional or hybrid wars or
even destabilisation through dirty tricks destabilising key quotients by the
hostile countries.
The world is witnessing a
complete change of strategies and the political dirty tricks are being deployed
to destabilise the regions and countries.
There are three factors which
normally are injected by the covert designers of the world to destabilise the
countries and the regions to create internal destabilising factors within the
countries. The world has witnessed that the designers have used the local
population using religion, poverty and internal serious conflicts as the book
by former CIA officer Philips Agee is witness to it. Philips Agee worked for
the CIA as case officer from 1957 to 1969 until he resigned in 1969. In 1975 he
published a book namely Inside the Company: CIA Diary about covert and dirty
operations of CIA. He disclosed the identities of his former CIA operatives and
also disclosed how countries are destabilised by USA’s policy of supporting
military dictatorships. The regimes supported by the CIA have no value for
human lives but immense torture, executions and death squads". The book
stunned the world as he accused the US intelligence agency of "state
terrorism", authorised by the White House in the book.
The world is becoming more
dangerous as the race of the supremacy & overpowerment and possession of
natural resources are the factors which are being used by the international
designers. With the passage of time the awareness in the new generation forced
the end of colonial system. These colonies marched towards independence, which
led to the post-independence struggle between democracy and the communism.
This conflict of democracy &
communism brought an unannounced covert war which ultimately resulted in
actualising the revolutions of Iran, elimination of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
and Afghan monarchy as the west thought that this leadership have their tilt
towards USSR so they ultimately made Jihadis to serve in their hands.
After the disintegration of the
USSR, the focus shifted from communism to anti-Islam and that is why the
Islamic Terrorism was introduced in the world. The religion card was initiated,
financed and supported by the west which is still continuing and all the sub
Muslim regions are suffering in the hands of the religious extremists.
The world continued to fight in
Afghanistan with the divided self-motivated interests. It was a senseless war
which is still continuing in Afghanistan at the cost of the suffering of
Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Any miss-venture in the Middle
East will make Middle East, Turkey, Syria and Pakistan one battle Zone which
looks like an early form of Mid-East – South Asian Spring; a replication of
Arab Spring.
The countries, sub regions and
regions are already infected with war virus and if not treated well by the
political doctors of these regions, the future generations might not excuse the
irresponsibility of the present political doctors for not discharging their
national and Islamic duties.
Is it not worth considering as to
why this non-stop trouble comes up every time through Jihadist, Taliban or
al-Qaeda? Now it’s from the new players like Daesh/ ISIS whereas Houthis are
emerging as an offshoot of the al-Qaeda. Middle East countries, Iran, Turkey,
Kurdistan are getting into deeper trouble as one has to see who is stopping
them not to resist such blatant and naked moves against them from west.
Regions/sub region’s issues are
created as a part of conspiracies and the duty of the leadership is to counter
them with strategic unity of the region in the larger interest of the regions/
sub regions as indicated above. I am hopeful that the sense will prevail and
these countries will manage to sit on a table to point out their common
objective and act with unity, without fear of technology or fear of loss of
power. I unfortunately foresee more troubles in coming months if such moves
within this region are not halted by those who have the ability to perform. If
the Muslim leadership does not get up and work out counter measure then the
storm of Mid- East/South Asia spring would bring more destruction.
I appeal to the present top
leadership to watch, assess and act to stop this monster which has the ability
to do bring further destruction.
The Article was published in The News on October 7th, 2019, link to the article is
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