PM Modi has been the byproduct of hardcore militancy
monitored by RSS, his mindset is tuned to war and terror so we should not
expect any move of peace from his side.
Indian former PMs used to believe in the Cold War doctrine
while PM Modi being exceptional has enhanced 5th warfare generation. In order
to promote his 5th generation warfare agenda, he has taken following initial
1. Conversion of Kashmir issue into an even more complex
issue by scraping its legal status through abrogation of article 370 & 35A.
2. Violation of Indus Water Treaty in a bid to grab control over
Pakistan’s share of water. PM Modi does not only want Pakistan’s side of river
to go dry but also to hit its agricultural sector directly.
3. He took steps to pull our economy down by lodging a false
complaint against Pakistan in FATF with the help USA.
4. He has constantly been trying to destabilize Pakistan
through its intelligence agencies which play dirty tricks against our country
by planting seeds of terrorism through anti-Pakistan elements on our soil.
5. Doing propaganda against Pakistan, painting it as a
terrorist state.
6. He keeps trying to block the development in Pakistan
through CPEC.
India has also been mercilessly committing brutalities in
Kashmir as it is the 78th day of curfew in IHK which was imposed by Indian
Interior Minister Amit Singh who is likely to replace Modi as next rising
leader of BJP that might become the next Prime Minister as well.
The Indian government under PM Modi was too scared of
Kashmiris before snatching their right of special status that they had already
started taking the following measures in Kashmir:
1. Blocked internet and telephone services
2. Ousted beforehand the local and International media
3. Sealed the valley
4. Increased the number of Indian troops
5. Increased its own lobbing to counter the reaction in
defense of international opinion for Kashmir
In fact India divided the Kashmir operation into three
In Phase 1, Pulwama plot was created as PM Modi engineered
the Pulwama attack himself to win election and also projected bad name to the
Phase 2: PM Modi rigged elections as per the agreement
between himself and RSS – as a part of election manifesto, Modi announced his
plan on Kashmir and did exactly the same during phase 2 after winning the
Phase 3. After scraping the status he propagated the change
as part of Indian constitution hence propagated this change as its internal
affairs of India that he is still advocating in the whole world.
Phase 4 – He worked out the strategy to contain Pakistan in
the given situation as it is the main stake holder of Kashmir with India. He
knew it well that Pakistan would never stop its moral support of Kashmiris and
Pakistan’s opposition over this matter was rightly expected. Hence during the
4th phase of his plan he made sure India continues to increase pressure on Loc
in order to engage Pakistan on the borders so that it would talk more on LOC
rather than Kashmir issue.
India has deliberately disrupted the LOC to engross the
attention from Kashmir issue which can be proved by looking into the statistics
of human rights violations in Kashmir from year 2017-2019.
Now if we analyze, it would appear as to be true that India
is killing civilians on the LoC and making false claims under the policy of PM
Modi who is behaving more a like film actor than a statesman. In fact Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been consistently acting like a Bollywood
actor as previously as well he did the drama of fake surgical strikes at Loc.
PM Modi used this tactic of fake surgical strike during his election campaign
to attract the attention of voters by engineering Pulwama attack and eventually
blaming it on Pakistan. Even the media in his country is no less as the aired
the news of these imaginary surgical strikes in complete Bollywood style. These
immature attitudes of Modi as statesman and the irresponsible media working at
his payroll are bringing bad name to India.
Prime Minister Modi should behave like a real statesman and
come out of this fake surgical strike illusion. He is only trying to impress
his opponents by doing so as surgical strike on Pakistan could only happen in
his wild imagination. PM Modi is converting a secular India into an extremist
state rapidly by extending full support to Indian terrorist organization RSS
which is expanding from Nagaland to East Punjab in India. I appeal to the
Indian opposition parties to stand against Narendra Modi to block his agenda of
converting India into an extremist state. I would like to continue to expose
the RSS and Modi’s mindset against Pakistan, India has had a history of false
and persistent motivated flag operations.
In few of the above facts, it looks as if Pakistan is on
purpose being engaged on LOC to divert its attention from Kashmir issue.
The public is noticing the government has soft approach
towards Kashmir as India is continuously violating the cease fire on LOC yet it
is doing nothing about it.
The government should have brought the section of ceasefire
violation of the Truce agreement 1949 in to light which was designed by the
United Nations Commission on India and Pakistan constituted by UNGA as
according to this agreement both countries have signed the following
Para B: The delegation of India and Pakistan, duly authorized
have reached the following agreement:
(1) “Under the provisions of Part I of the Resolution of 13
August 1948, and as a complement of the suspension of hostilities in the State
of Jammu and Kashmir on 1 January 1949, a cease-fire line is established”.
Para F: ….There shall be no increase of forces or
strengthening of defenses in areas where no major adjustments are involved by
the determination of the cease-fire line.
India has violated these sections hence Pakistan needs to
file a serious complaint against and claim damages which would be a perfect
legal proceeding.
India has to be brought to international level taking into
consideration the following actions:
A: Drag PM Modi to the ICC court under Rome Convention for
being involved in ethnic cleansing of Muslims in India.
B- Lobby in the UNGA for announcement of date for
C. Make out a case for investigation by UNGA to ascertain the
delay in implementation of self-determination.
D: File lawsuit against India for carrying out terrorist
activities on Pakistani soil.
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