Corona Virus- Global Scare by Senator A. Rehman Malik

While studying various reports on Coronavirus, I remembered an English movie in which a similar kind of virus is created and spread across the city creating fear among the public as it was life-threatening. Viruses are epidemics that are spread across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or even worldwide. The moment an epidemic crosses the international boundaries, it becomes a pandemic that moves from the first few infections in humans and prevalent over a whole country or the world. The Spanish flu, from 1918 to 1920 has been the deadliest Pandemic to date which infected 500 million people around the world, including people on remote Pacific islands and in the arctic, and resulting in the deaths of 50 to 100 million people. It is understood that Coronavirus is a pandemic as it has now crossed the international boundaries. The virus might have come from snakes but on what basis and how it originated from snakes is yet being assessed on medical grounds as nobody is sure of what gave rise to it. The Chinese province, Wuhan, is a hub of tourism and a main junction of trains hence it has become riskier for China and subsequently for the world. The available information is showing that this virus is spreading all over the world as it is multiplying the victims through the air medium which is unstoppable. It is not possible to curb it as Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. There is no authentic proven research on it yet. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans which are built-in immune systems in the human body. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, and cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs that are approved for prevention or treatment. A virus similar to the Sars pathogen has claimed 81 lives since emerging in a market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan and spread around the world as of yesterday.
Animals are suspected to be the primary source of the outbreak, with Chinese health officials saying the virus originated from a market where wild animals were illegally sold but what about the source of supply of such infected animals. Unconfirmed studies so far done and made public this week suggest that the virus may have originated from bats or snakes but it is not sure. China must look into it if it is a modified genetic virus spread and is going undetected. According to the latest information, in China, as of Monday, more than 2,700 people have been infected by the virus, the bulk of them in and around Wuhan. Nearly all of the 81 who have died were in that region, but officials have confirmed at least five deaths elsewhere. The city of Macau, a gambling hub and very popular with mainland tourists, has confirmed six cases as of Monday. In Hong Kong, eight people are known to have the disease. Of those, six arrived via a newly built high-speed train terminal that connects with the mainland whereas France has also reported three known cases of the coronavirus in France, the first European country to be affected by the outbreak as France has a number of immigrants settled, and who came to France before and after Vietnam War All three victims had recently traveled to China and they have been placed in isolation. Japan’s health authorities confirmed the country’s fourth case this week: a man in his 40s, visiting Japan from Wuhan, who is in hospital in a stable condition whereas three more are in the hospitals. On the other hand, United States: has confirmed five cases of the virus in patients who had recently entered the country from Wuhan.

The thing of major concern to me is Pakistan, which is comparatively at higher risk as a maximum number of Chinese work in almost whole of Pakistan and especially the friends coming from China could carry the virus along. Although Pakistani authorities have already deputed teams at international airports to screen passengers coming in from China but there is news that a Chinese man suspected to have contracted the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been admitted to a hospital in Multan, the National Institute of Health (NIH) said. The man had returned to Pakistan from Wuhan 10 days ago. His clinical condition is reported stable but he could be a victim of this deadly virus. While we all know that Islam is referred to as the religion of cleanliness. “Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves.” (Quran 2:222), the religion, hundreds of years ago, instituted health strategies that are being implemented by the doctors and scientists today as we find clear evidence of Islam’s stance on coughing and sneezing openly. Prophet Muhammad instructed the followers and believers to cover their faces when sneezing since the most obvious effect of sneezing and coughing without covering the mouth is the spread of airborne bacteria and viruses which have today been proven by the Centre for Disease Control in the USA as well. The viruses especially the (SARS) are transmitted most readily by respiratory droplets, known as droplet spread that is propelled through an infected person to others from coughing or sneezing.
Today, the doctors also advise that the least which could be done to lower the risk of this disease is by taking a few Preventive cautions as there are currently no vaccines available to protect you against human coronavirus infection. You may be able to reduce your risk of infection through the following practices:
  • ·       Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • ·       Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • ·       Avoid contact with people who are suffering from cough and cold
  • ·       We have a border with China and it has numerous projects in Pakistan so we would not like to be rude with China by not allowing the return of Chinese workers to Pakistan.
  • ·       We can probably avoid the disease which is highly contagious as well as deadly at individual levels, so, to keep ourselves safe from this following advisory has been issued from our health experts:
  • ·       Keep your throat moist by drinking water from time to time as once the membrane in your the throat is dried, the virus will invade in your body in 10 minutes.
  • ·       Do not go to crowded/ public places
  • ·       Wear masks as needed especially when going out or in public transports.
  • ·       Get your bodies loaded with a good amount of Vitamin C which can be consumed through foods that are high in Vitamin C such as Oranges, Lemons, Strawberries and Kiwis, etc.

Islam not only emphasizes cleanliness but also contains directions on infection control which include isolation and quarantine. These are the measures that are being arranged by quarantine officials today during this worldwide outbreak of SARS/Coronavirus that include medical isolation and restricted travel movements. Our Prophet Mohammad (SAW) had instructed the believers about the quarantine strategy that is today being implemented by public health authorities as he said: “If you hear that there is a plague in a land, do not enter it; and if it (plague) visits a land while you are therein, do not go out of it”. 
However, I propose a few SOS measures as under:
1.     All Chinese before and after coming to Pakistan must have a Virus-free certificate in hand so that it could be produced at the airline counters before boarding the plane and also at the time of booking seats.
2.     Proper checking counters must be installed and the screening should be done under the supervision of a team of qualified doctors.
3.     All big hospitals should be ready for extra beds and measures to ensure the safety of victims and their isolation from others.
4.     All passengers arriving in Pakistan from any country should be screened properly for the safety of both Pakistanis as well as the foreigners living here.
5.     Pakistan’s health department, Pak embassy in Beijing, Chinese Embassy in Pakistan and Interior Ministries of both states should devise a workable plan for the safety of passengers traveling both sides.
6.     All of the CPEC’s projects locations and sites should be facilitated by the Health Ministry by installing virus-free camps.
7.     Ministry of health should introduce a Coronavirus awareness and management center to deal with this risk at both Federal & Provincial levels.
8.     Health ministry through Mofa should issue an advisory note for Chinese and Pakistani moving across borders containing all precautionary measures.
It is unfortunate to note that the disease can harm us to death if we failed to have effective monitoring. Our capabilities are limited as the public has seen in the recent past how dengue cost us the lives of our loved ones and how helpless were we to cater to the situation effectively.
Let us pray that May God save us from this forthcoming mass killer.

The Article was published by The Nation on 29 January, 2020, Link to the article is

Nation needs heroes not beggars by Senator A. Rehman Malik

I received a call in a decent voice pressing upon me to watch an ongoing program on a channel that is against humanity. l switched to the said channel and watched the episode where a father namely Inaam from Phoolnagar near Lahore was shown to have been arrested for selling his 12-year-old daughter Amna for Rs6000 only and his wife for Rs500. I saw the whole episode and was very upset to see this TV channel was openly showing this minor girl, wife and the other three children from close up. The inspector concerned was boasting of the arrest of the culprit and asking the woman and also the man, very direct naked questions. This is yet to be determined if the arrest was made by the SHO himself or it was led by the TV staff and its legal aspects need to look into properly.
The questions asked from the little girl were like “you know why your father sent you with your mother?
Amna:- Yes my father is forcing my mother to do prostitution.
The accused did a crime and hence he must be punished but it is totally unacceptable to bring the poor daughter and wife live on television. It is sheer violation of human rights and who gave the license to this Police inspector to allow the channel to bring the victims on the TV in this manner as no law permits the accused to be exposed to the media.
Who is going to marry this girl now and under which law the concerned authority allowed the entry of TV Crew during the raid? It looked that the cameraman was doing his duty like a magistrate and giving commitment on behalf of the police and directly committing to give the accused relief if he speaks before the camera as directed by him. The question arises as to what constraints and his needs forced this chokidar with 4 kids to sell out his wife and daughter. The answer is obvious as our state is unable to kill the poverty cancer to the poor people and this has given rise to many social evils including moral crime and an increase in other related criminal activities.
The price hike is at the max today for the past 4 years. There has been an exploding surge in prices of essential commodities from the year 2017 – till today i.e. a sack of 20kg flour is being sold for 808/- today while it was at 680 in 2017, the price of tomatoes per kg was Rs.75 in 2017 while it is being sold at 140 per kg today which is already a shoot-off in its price but during the same govt in 2019, people saw a skyrocketing increase of Rs.400 for 1 kg of tomatoes. Sugar prices surprisingly soared by over fifty percent (50%) since the new govt came to power, which is from Rs53 to Rs80 per kilogram in only the past fourteen months while it was at Rs.47 in 2017. The price of onion per kilo has reached to Rs. 57 from Rs. 50 in 2017. The minimum wage rate for unskilled workers was raised from Rs. 14,000 to Rs. 15,000 per month in 2017 by PMLN govt, while only an increase of Rs.2000 came into effect by the new govt last year at Rs17500.
Now if you see the price of the utilities today and compare it with an average pay of common man, we would know that Rs17500 is insufficient for their survival. Even a small family of four members cannot conveniently run its kitchen and bear day-to-day minimum expenditure with the revised minimum wage of only Rs17,500 as the inflation rate has accelerated up to 13%. In a place like Pakistan where people cannot even afford to have the basic utilities of their life, around 6 million households are living on rent, out of a total of 30 million household.
Even if we roughly calculate all the basic expenses including utility bills, house rents, school fees, grocery and rationing under the basic pay of only 17500k, we would realize that a common person can either pay utility bills, pay rent or they can only pay for the school fee of their children and buy eatables. It’s just not possible to pay for all the things collectively under such a small budget and unfortunately, this is the reason the number of people committing suicides is increasing rapidly in our country.
I have a question that with a sharp price hike what should the common man survive?
Obviously, with this state of affairs, the common man either commits suicide or indulges himself in criminal activities for the survival of his family. It is merely social injustice to a common man and his family in particular and in general to the national pride. This one family, God knows how many more have suffered from this or are still suffering at the moment whereas the govt is completely unbothered about such issues and has chosen not to pay attention to the voice of victims. The govt, instead of providing social justice to the common people has launched Ehsaas Salani Langer Scheme which is not a healthy national sign.
Mr. PM! Do you really think that the respectable poor people would opt to join Langer schemes only to fill their appetite and that too without their families as no women or the children are going to come to far-flung areas? Isn’t something which seems to be aimed at mocking the miseries of poor people and their families? It exactly looks the same as Nawaz Sharif’s Roti scheme which also was eventually failed.
Mr. PM! You are not giving pride to the common man this way but killing their self-respect instead.
Our present and past govts are now infamous as they have brought this bad name to our country whereas I expect you to let the nation rise with self-respect and dignity.
The children growing in a family where the father gets food like a beggar house are not going to become a progressive citizen.
Instead of making them grow in the house of beggars we must bring the following reforms to ensure a better future for themselves and their children as under:
1.   Introduce the concept of a welfare state and give them certain financial support.
2.   Expand the BISP program throughout the country under well-regulated SOPs.
3.   Start the self-employment scheme of students & trained them for overseas employment. Follow the model of the self-employment scheme of the Philippines.
4.   Make free education and transport and lunch free for students. Give them a healthy diet for their better mental growth.
5.   Please stop these short term useless programs and come up with solid reforms aimed at poverty elevation.
6.   Please produce the material of heroes and not beggars from the upcoming generation as such sort programs might only benefit some friends in an effort to multiply votes but it destroys the fiber of the proud nation.
Now coming back towards the TV program, my committee members have advised me to look into this program and we will have an in-camera hearing where we would like to hear from the family a better atmosphere to understand more about this growing highly immoral crime.
We will have a public hearing and set the parameters to protect the dignity of our Pakistani common people to put an end to these unethical shows and improvise irresponsible police officials.
In reference to the price hike, I proposed last week to make “Price & quality Control Authority “through enactment with certain punishments and parameters to control the price and quality. It is a known fact that the producers and the retailers further add 20% to 25% profits on top of the already set prices on them without fear of law.
It is disturbing that we are an agricultural country and we claim to be an agrarian-based country yet our state is failing to give its citizen homegrown agriculture products at affordable prices.
I hope the govt and the authorities gradually step towards reforms as proposed above rather than spending the bulk of money on these beggar houses (langers) hurting the self-respect of hungry & needy people. Let us move politics to bring the major reforms to counter the major national challenges.

The article was published in THE NATION on January 20, 2020, link to the original article is 

USA, Iran egos vs global peace by Senator A. Rehman Malik

The international community wants to know the background realities behind the recent episode of conflict between Iran and the USA. The question arises whether both are having the row due to their own national interests and issues or this is just an additional escalation tactic to continue a proxy war to make one another happy at the expense of human loss and pose threat to global peace?
This is a serious issue as this row will increase at the cost of human loss. The recent face savings and apologetic statements have exposed both sides. President Donald Trump considers that he has played his cards well by scooping out Iranian General Qasem Soleimani through a sting operation making many in the Middle East happy without actually executing a direct attack on Iran. I had earlier stated the same fact in my article “Eight reasons as to why USA will not directly attack Iran” on 20th June 2019, in which I had categorically stated that the USA will not make any direct attack on Iran but will continue to provoke Iran alongside and keep inflicting Iran’s interests. President Donald Trump and his predecessors have pressure from their ally, Saudi Arabia to sort out Iran whereas Donald Trump instead of attacking continued to build constant pressure on Iran. America had carried out this attack on the soil of Iraq violating the sovereignty of Iraq and the Iraqi government has not yet protested for the killing of its guest General Qasem Soleimani on their soil.
In view of above complexed facts, USA will avoid any direct attack on Iran for the following reasons earlier published and I am upgrading my additional arguments.
1. Iran in its reactions will carry out counter-attacks on the USA interests in the Middle East; hence the USA would not like to risk their bases. Iran will not attack Middle East countries, but it might carry out air or navel surgical strikes instead.
2. Iran will try to destroy USA interests in Afghanistan which is not in favour of the USA. In fact, Iran will prefer to have surgical strikes in Israel and Afghanistan as soft targets.
3. Iran might hit the interest of Israel and also target attacks on US interests worldwide. Any attack on Israel will escalate the situation as Israel will launch a counter-attack.
4. Iran might use its naval force in the Middle East and resultantly the USA bases in Muscat will be in trouble. Iran will only go for targeted surgical strikes.
5. The USA might lose contracts of billions of dollars as a result of this war. USA will never destroy Iran as it is the key source for Middle Eastern countries to keep looking towards the USA for their defense and the USA will not make this mistake.
6. The risk of the Third World War will increase whereas China and Russia will not accept the domination of the USA in this region. Any attack on Iran means reaction from China & Russia which can trigger World War- III.

7. China has built assets to counter USA defense movements in this region as the war in the Gulf will create hurdles in the way of Chinese shipping operations. The USA created defense around the blue line by establishing 5 underground airbases & two with courtesy of India to have a check on the Gulf Sea and the South China Sea.
8. The USA is under a heavy load of debts and cannot afford war to destroy its economy. However bluff technology with the usual blend of fear will continue as business as usual by it. The USA is under a heavy burden of debts and would continue to have funds from Saudia and Qatar. It was this reason that Donald Trump made his first visit to Saudi Arabia taking his defense team along and not the economic team.
It is unfortunate that Iraq has become a punching bag in the Middle East which has been treated as a launching pad for actions around Iraq for the USA.
This is a complex situation now where the USA still claims to remain in Iraq whereas the Iraqi Parliament including the Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has asked Americans to leave their country and USA—Iraq will create more complications in the region in the upcoming time. The tension between America and Iraq is growing whereas Iran’s influence on Iraq is likely to grow more in view of direct friction between the USA and Iran.
We are watching it since long how Middle Eastern countries are polarised and this polarisation has been deliberately designed by the designer of Middle Eastern - Geo-Political Map.
I stand by my assessment that the USA will not directly attack Iran as destroying Iran means to lose its influence in the region. Middle East politics is behaving like a statistical sign graph with up and down dips while the entire Middle East is suffering from uncertainty, fear syndrome and state of internal distrust. This region was destabilised with the intention to take control over Middle Eastern politics and its rich resources that’s why it always remained under the influence of the West. Its destabilisation started with the assassination of President Anwar Sadat of Egypt who was assassinated on 6 October 1981 during an Army parade in Cairo as he had fallen out of line from the world establishment and then how Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was killed and earlier how King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was got eliminated through his own nephew and now Bashar Al Assad of Syria is already under attack. Similarly, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was got assassinated in the hands of General Zia for the same reason while the disposal of Gen Zia is now part of history. The game of causing destabilisation in the Middle East started with the use of the generic name of terrorism which is, in fact, self-created and every country is destabilised with its own branded name of terrorism specific to a country. Saddam Hussain had created a well-trained army which was also disbanded after the invasion of Iraq and as a result, Iraq became defenseless and the same gap was covered by ISIS which emerged as a lethal terrorist organization.

The activities of ISIS were target based only as of the USA along with other allies, remained safe from them and everyone knows why? The world economy is being controlled through terrorist financing which is a new way to keep the international economy in control mostly through dollars and Euros. The hounding of Muslim block will continue because we Muslims are very congenial soft targets and easily fall in traps. The USA is controlling the region through fear technology which is demonstrated in different ways and styles and two of them are FATF and others are flying pirates namely drones.
I had also written in the said article that the USA will not attack Iran directly but indirect hits will continue. President Obama and President Bush did not directly attack Iran despite their commitments with HRH King Abdullah while instead of carrying out an attack, an agreement emerged between USA and Iran with the mediation of Switzerland that dismayed the then King Abdullah and it was expressed to me by King Abdullah himself that President Obama did not honor his commitment of attacking Iran.
For the reason, King Abdullah did not tend to agree in the beginning when I told him that USA and Iran are having back door channels dialogue and King Abdullah had the kind grace to appreciate the same later on in a meeting with me by believing in my information when USA - Iran agreement that was signed in Geneva and was made public later.
In 2018 on October 3rd, Donald Trump even warned the Saudi king by addressing him directly saying: “We protect you. Saudi Arabia's king "might not be there for two weeks" without US military support, you have to pay for your military. We defend many of these nations for nothing, and then they take advantage of us by giving us high oil prices. Not good. We want them to stop raising prices. We want them to start lowering prices and they must contribute substantially to military protection from now on.”
The USA would never like to end the conflict between the Middle East and Iran as the world will witness how it continues with this drama of waging wars through different proxies and private war contractors.
The notorious “Black Water” private military firm of the USA continued to be involved in intelligence and war activities of the USA against different countries. The founder of the company Erik Dean Prince known as “Black Prince” is an American businessman, former US. Navy Seal officer, and the founder of the government services and Security Company Blackwater USA, now called Academi. His role in Iran and Afghanistan is no more a secret as he was a part of a CIA task force created during the early years of the Bush administration's so-called "war on terror". Blackwater came under increasing criticism after the Nisour Square massacre in September 2007, in which Blackwater employees opened fire in a crowded square in Baghdad, killing 17 Iraqi civilians and seriously wounding 20 more. This monkey war business will continue to hound the Middle East and Iran, hence both parties must revisit their strategies.
The face savings analogy and obliging partners took away the life of General Qasem Soleimani through a sting operation. I wish this sacrifice of a Gen. Qasem Soleimani including many other victims of Iraqi invasion killed brutally by ISIS and the recent killings of innocent 176 passengers of Ukrainian Airlines bring some change in their hearts with fear of God to them and mankind. Perhaps, Donald Trump, his advisors, and partners might revisit their International Interference policy and may consider to work for international peace instead of waging wars.
America needs to pay more attention to resolving local challenges. Many like those in Indian occupied Kashmir and in Gaza are waiting for their support. May God leads them to the right path of friendship and peace with inner wisdom to leave the war syndrome to avoid WW-III. It is my third article and I have not taken the side of anyone rather I have placed the hard facts with the ground realities of this issue.
I wish PM Imran Khan had called a meeting of former PMs, presidents, foreign ministers and interior ministers for their input on the internal and external challenges before launching his foreign minister into these three countries' grand tour without taking the mandate of Parliament.
I wish the government had made public the terms of reference of mediation( if made any) and the mode of mediation with expected targets given by the PM to be achieved which have been taken along by our FM on his grand meditation tour.

The Article was published in THE NEWS on  January 15, 2020, link to the original article is

Modi’s lethal Kashmir plan - 2020 by Senator A. Rehman Malik

It was very painful to enter into 2020 while Kashmir was still bleeding and the curfew was still continued. I had published some assessments before the Indian elections in my book “Modi’s war doctrine” that Modi’s extremism will increase, and he will come harder on Muslim community and Kashmir if he won the elections. I had predicted in this book that Narendra Modi has signed a pre-election agreement wherein he had committed to abrogate the status of Kashmir and deliver back the site of Babri Masjid to RSS.
My prediction came true as he did both and now Muslims are facing anti-Muslim Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 wherein Modi has set now the whole India on fire. Indian current situation witnessing countrywide protests against the new discriminatory Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 which has sparked fear and anger among India’s Muslims and other minorities.
In series of my tweets with Indian agents on last Sunday, I stated that Modi policies are against India which ignited a fire among Indians and warned Modi to stop the killing of innocent Muslims.
I further tweeted that in a poetic way as under:
Yesterday Kashmir was burning,
Today Whole India is burning.
Both Kashmir & India are burning,
Modi Your RSS will ensure your burning,
Modi‘s own fire is set his own burning,
Modi pushing India to point of breaking.
While addressing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and opposition leader Rahul Gandhi, I conveyed a message to them stating “I had predicted earlier that Modi will do blunders & will create wedge within the Indian communities. The blunder he has committed by introducing anti-Muslim law has already given shock to Indian public & the World and it is suspected that his own Home Minister Amit Shah might oust him with his pro group within RSS”.
Modi’s evil designs could be clearly assessed after Pulwama episode. Indian public at large should have realized the present consequences when he signed an agreement to follow RSS directions including scrapping of Kashmir status and handing over the site of Babri Masjid to Hindus.
Modi is a curse generally for whole of India as he is murderer of humanity, diehard supporter and member of RSS and the designer of crime against humanity in India and Kashmir.
The Book ‘Modi’s war doctrine’ was written by me to expose Modi’s evil designs and anti-Muslim syndrome. It is hard fact now that due to anti-Muslim syndrome, so far more than 94,000 Kashmiris have been killed, 7,000 persons have been killed in the custody of Army troops, 22,000 women have been widowed, 105,000 children have been orphaned and 10,000 women have been raped and molested by Indian military and paramilitary troops in Indian Held Kashmir which has been confirmed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva in its reports.

In fact, the above scenario is pushing him to no return, and this is reportedly a design of Amit Shah, the Home Minister to oust Narendra Modi from his office. There is a very strong group in BJP which is criticizing his anti-Muslim, anti-Kashmir and destructive economic policies.
Narendra Modi after sorting out the Indian Muslim community will bring India back to the era of Barhaman Mafia duly supported by RSS and system of law because Barhaman Hindus believe that they are more superior class in India.
Indians are fearing that after the implementation of anti-Muslim laws Narendra Modi will then weed out anti-RSS Hindus through NRCD whereby the Indians will have to prove to be Hindus with old documentation of their nationality of status. It is very unfortunate that Prime Minister Modi continued to be lethal for Kashmiris and Indian Muslims.
Modi had been exercising brutalities in Kashmir and committing crime against the humanity during 2019 and now that he has entered in 2020, he is carrying forward the same anti-Muslim mindset and moving towards the implementation of the philosophy of Mr. Rajeshwar Singh (DJS Head) who vowed to free India from Muslims and Christians by 2021.
It looks that the New Year is not likely to bring any relief to Kashmiris and the UN will continue to be sleeping in 2020 too unless waken up by our governments with extra efforts.
The OIC has also taken Kashmir issue lightly and instead of calling an emergency meeting to provide relief to Kashmiris to the middle of next year, OIC also looks divided after the debacle of Malaysian Islamic Summit.
I have explained the above situation in India where not only Pakistan is worried, but this is for the first time the Hindu intellectuals and students have started raising their voices against the policies of Modi.
Modi has muted the voices of Indian media and hence emerging out as a leader worse than Hitler and it looks he will use the “Hitlerism and RSSims coupled with Daeshism” to achieve his lifelong targets of penalizing Muslims in India to cause demographic changes in India.
In the conclusion I would like to say that Indians have started realizing that Prime Minister Modi and his policies are pushing towards the extremism under command in India. Let us see how the relations between Prime Minister Modi and Amit Shah deteriorate in view of their personal clash.
Priyanka Gandhi stated the following on Sadaf Zafar’s arrest:
 “BJP says theatrics won’t fetch votes. The downfall of BJP has started with the unwise policies of PM Modi based on his own branded extremism invented by RSS”.
We are grateful to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for enforcing Two Nation Theory as this has proven right today. I pray that this New Year 2020 brings better changes in Indian occupied Kashmir and I hope that the world will listen to the voice of Kashmiris for their self-determination which is a right established under United Nations Resolutions. We need to accelerate our efforts to drag PM Modi in ICJ / ICC hence I have written a letter addressed to Mr. Abbubaccar Marie Tambadou, Minister of Justice, Gambia.

We are looking towards the government of Pakistan, OIC, UNSC, Human Rights Geneva to listen to the voice and wish of the oppressed Kashmiris in the year 2020 and look forward to the visit of Justice Minister Gambia enabling us to take his vision on it.
 The Article was published in The Nation on  January 04, 2020 and the link to the original article is

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