For the eyes of his Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres by Senator A. Rehman Malik

Senator Rehman Malik while welcoming the historic visit of the Secretory General UNO, António Guterres has stated as under: The Secretary General is the “chief administrative officer” of the UN that is responsible to perform all the functions that may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security of the world, entrusted to him by the principal organs of the United Nations. The importance and the role of SG is becoming more important as well as difficult with growing international conflicts and Non-ending problems extremism, terrorism, money laundering and bilateral conflicts resulting in wars.
There are numerous conflicts, the world is encountering for last many decades which are posing a major threat to peace and security of the region, like Palestine, Houthis insurgency in Yemen, Rohingyan Muslims in Myanmar, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Daesh, blocking nuclear war between North Korea and the USA and the cold war between China and the USA. I, however, would like to draw the kind attention of His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General, UNO in his capacity as being the “world moderator”, to the most dangerous conflict in this region which can lead to nuclear war. Kashmir issue which lies with the UNSC since 1948.
Kashmir issue is one of those major issues that need the UN’s attention as it holds the position of a backbone to Pakistan. Despite UN authorities being the supervisors of Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan, all the human rights violations by India in IOK largely go unpunished by the UN. The world knows Indian Govt under Prime Minister Narendra Modi is moving fast towards its actual agenda on Kashmir of unleashing ethnic cleansing of the Muslim majority in Kashmir; by mass-murdering and settling the RSS trained families in Kashmir. According to Human Rights Report, from January 1989 till 31st January 2018, 94,644 innocent Kashmiris have been killed, 7, 099 have been killed in custody, 11,042 women were gang-raped and 7, 485 have been injured by pellets. The maximum number of above sufferings are during the premiership of Modi. However, the year 2018 has been deadliest in a decade with over 324 people killed. Even though the UNSC repeatedly passed the resolutions on the Kashmir dispute for its peaceful solution however the physical arrangements have not so far been seen. Both Indian and Pakistani governments acknowledged the UN resolutions but India never encouraged the environment for the peaceful conduct of the plebiscite.
The extremism is in full swing in India and particularly Muslims are the target of extremism of the Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has recently announced Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Registration of Citizen (NRC), which are discriminatory laws and against the interfaith harmony and UN Charter of human rights.
The special status of Kashmir has been scrapped in violation of the UNSC Resolution No.47, adopted on 21 April 1948, for giving a chance to the oppressed Kashmir for self-determination. The “Karachi Agreement” duly signed by the two parties in 1949 which were duly supervised/countersigned by the UN observers needs to be re-activated to stop ceasefire violations at the border by Indian Forces. It will also be in the interest of peace to stop further escalation between Indian and Pakistan. The Secretary-General UNSC is requested to consider the deployment of United Nations observed on both sides of the border to keep the mandatory check on any violations on LOC.
Mr. Secretary General, May I to remind you and draw your kind attention to 198th day of inhuman curfew in Indian Occupied Kashmir in sheer violation of the human rights charter and the crimes against humanity by Indian Troops under the directives of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is continuously killing innocent Muslims in Kashmir. I would like to request you kindly consider to constitute a high power Inquiry Commission of UNO to enquire into the brutalities of Indian government in Kashmir in the interest of the greater cause of Humanity.

The article was published in The Nation on February 16, 2020, link to the article is

I would like to appreciate International Court of Justice for listening the voice of Rohingyan Muslims who are the victims of Myanmar government and have been parted justice by the ICJ under your command and let’s hope that the decision of ICJ is implemented by the Myanmar authorities. It will be a great step if proceedings may also be initiated by the ICJ against the Indian government for brutalities against Kashmiri Muslims as ordered by you Mr. Secretary General to give relief to the Kashmiris and help in resolving this long outstanding burning conflict between Indian and Pakistan as South Asia is literally placed on a volcano which can erupt any time and hence it needs to be resolved with your ability and mandate.
It is a daylight fact that Indian Army is committing the war crimes against oppressed Kashmiris in terms of mass murdering, mass graving, mass blinding through pelleting, rapes, tortures, enforced disappearances, political repression and locking down of the whole valley through strict curfew. The crime against humanity and mass killing by Indian troops are going unnoticed by UNSC and I therefore once again appeal to honorable SG to take the action to stop the further killing of these oppressed Kashmiris.
According to the reports of Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) dated 14th June, 2018 and 8th July, 2019, so far more than 94,000 Kashmiris have been killed, 7,000 persons have been killed in Indian custody, 22,000 women have been widowed, 105,000 children have been orphaned and 10,000 women have been raped and molested by Indian military and paramilitary troops since 1989. More than 8,000 people have gone missing in enforced disappearances by Indian forces since 1989.Your Excellency these figures from the report of International Human rights that need your kind attention.
I have emphasized time and again in my Articles and in my two Books on Kashmir titled as (i) “Modi’s War Doctrine – Indian Anti-Pakistan Syndrome” and (ii) “Bleeding Kashmir – Oppressed Kashmiris! Waiting for Justice and Plebiscite” have strongly proposed the following steps are warranted to be taken on Kashmir issue at International diplomatic and legal fronts:-
1. To appoint a Plebiscite Administrator in Kashmir and fix a date for a plebiscite as per the Resolutions of UNSC as there is no further voting required in UN for this matter. This action is stuck in your good office and you are sole authority to order the date of self-determination.
2. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) may be directed to investigate the reasons of delay in implementation of UNSC Resolutions regarding the right of self-determination and fix the responsibility with the directions to initiate the process of a plebiscite in Kashmir as mentioned above
3. To appoint a Commissioner of Inquiry under UN Charter to investigate the ongoing crimes against humanity and human rights violations by Indian forces in Indian Occupied Kashmir.
4. To initiate a case against the Prime Minister Modi in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) based on the report of Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) dated 14th June, 2018 and 8th July, 2019 as these reports have enough materials for the trial of Prime Minister Modi and his accomplices involved in crimes against humanity and genocide.
5. To initiate case against Indian Government and Prime Minister Modi in International Criminal Court (ICC) under the Rome Statute to bring them to justices through trial as War Criminals based on the available evidence and as per reports of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) as referred above.
Mr. Secretary General, I, therefore, request you to kindly once again to please initiate a case against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his accomplices for their crimes against humanity/genocide in Indian occupied Kashmir International Court of Justice (ICJ) & in International Criminal Court (ICC) under Rome Statute and resolve this issue by implementing your own resolution to restore the confidence of the oppressed Kashmiris who have been looking for their right of determination for 70 years.
The matter related to Palestine is no different than Kashmir and occupation of Gaza and the inhuman actions must stop in Gaza.
I would also like to draw your kind attention towards Daish which is becoming a major problem for the world as this has already become a Monster and will continue to bite the world. I have elaborated the emergence of Daish and its long term agenda in the world in my book “Daish – A Rising Monster World-Wide”.
The other regional issue is of Afghanistan where Pakistan is dining best to make the dialogue between USA & other stakeholders -Iran vs gulf states. Similarly, Iran vs the USA is also very important to be resolved.
We hope you will do your best to end these conflicts. Pakistan has done its best for the International peace and we are the largest contributor of peacemaker troops for UNSC as we have lost the lives of more than 70,000 Pak citizens during the war on terror and our personnel’s of Armed forces especially Pakistan Army has lost thousands of Jawans and officers.
Your Excellency, the oppressed Kashmiris are expecting some favorable actions to get relief which they are waiting for years and years.
Kindly take the notice of world’s the longest curfew imposed in IOK for more than six months.

Senator Rehman Malik

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