Senator A. Rehman Malik Letter to Secretary General UN To Constitute UN Commission on COVID-19

The Secretary-General,
United Nations Organization.

    I avail the occasion to express that it is unfortunate that Coronavirus has emerged as the deadliest virus of this century, which definitely, is a deadly pandemic which has stirred up the worst global crisis since World War II.  Though the world history is strewn with pandemics, but COVID 19 has shaken the whole world, like no other.
2.                 Since the breakout of Novel Coronavirus – COVID-19, many claims, speculations, conspiracy theories and misinformation about the disease have found their way into the International print and electronic media, blurring the distinction between real and Fake-News.  Instead of calming down the public, it is only creating uncertainty and panic amongst the masses across the globe.
3.                 In face of the unrest precipitated by the breakout of COVID-19, and to pre-empt the growing perception linking the COVID-19 spread to communities and states that is resulting in rapidly increasing polarization in violent responses; world order needs to be preserved in the interest of the international community.  With the Virologists and Biologist, across the board, being unsuccessful in accurately identifying the source, location, genesis, and variable results among affected states, the plausibility of some sort of Bio-Warfare within the Fifth Dimension Warfare is gaining root.  This trajectory, unfortunately, has the potential to cause further panic and blame games.  I hope the international media plays a positive role and refrain from dividing the world in this difficult hour of mankind. In the given situation it is more important that you may kindly play your role to bring the facts to the public to cease such viral flow of dangerous conspiracy theories.
4.                 Mr. Secretary General, as the Bio-Warfare theories gain root in societies across the globe, in my considered view, it is essential that a high-powered Commission be constituted to ascertain the actual facts under the UN Biological Weapons Convention, 1975.  The Commission may comprise of Virologists, Scientists, Professors, Researchers, Analysts and experts in the fields of Microbiology and Virology.
5.                 The Commission may present its report to you in three-months, and the Terms of Reference (TORs) may include recommendations to prevent future breakouts of such pandemics, and international standards for coordination in case of breakout, in addition to the following:
a.                 To accurately identify the Geo-Location of the COVID-19’s origin; the affected countries to provide samples of their coronavirus patients.
b.                 To identify/locate Patient Zero, through available statistics.
c.                 To discover why the behavior, intensity, and fertility rate of COVID-19 varies from country to country, by using available data
d.                 To discover whether COVID-19 is manmade or a naturally-grown virus. If it is manmade, then what is the Biological and / or A scientific mechanism capable of modifying/re-engineering this virus for use as Bio-Weapon or Bio-Warfare Tool.
e.                 To find out the mechanism of developing or growing this virus without or within the human body, and its survival period on surfaces.
f.                  To examine the allegations of transporting this virus from one place to other destinations in the world, as a Biological Warfare Tactics.
g.                 To find out is the virus is a result of genetic modifications, or cross-breeding of animals, and if there are precedence of similar viruses being transferred from animals to humans, or being transferred by any type of food.

6.                 Mr. Secretary General, I would also avail the occasion to suggest the World Health Organization (WHO) may further institutionalize coordination amongst states, while focusing upon efforts to discover vaccines and treatment for the COVID-19, through R&D and monitoring. 
7.                 Your Excellency, let me clear that I am not blaming any government or a group or leveling any an allegation or endorsing any media report about the origin of COVID-19, however, I have drawn your kind attention to these above apprehensions being shown by international media.
8.                 I have taken up this matter in my sole individual capacity as ex-member of Interpol family and as a formal law enforcer. The above-given fears require immediate action under UN Convention on Biological Weapons, 1975 where you are fully empowered to look into it and all that I have stated above is matter of public record and it provides enough basis for you to constitute a high powered UN commission to investigate as per my above proposed TORs to clear the ongoing poisonous propaganda. I am sure that your media department would have the full details of ongoing propaganda referred above.
9.                 Your Excellency, I consider it my duty, and an honor, to be available for any further queries in this matter, to effect an expeditious redressal of the COVID-19 crisis.
Yours sincerely,
Senator A. Rehman Malik 

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