Are we victims of a man-made virus? by Senator A. Rehman Malik


This debate is now in advanced stages as the World Health Organisation (WHO) is already evaluating this virus. The opinion is divided but the experts will come up with facts or someone will own it under the pressure of their conscience. The world is inching towards reality by every passing day with new exposures on this issue. Dr Anthony Fauci has endorsed the first part of my demand to the Secretary General United Nations to form a high-powered commission to probe if Covid-19 is man-made or naturally grown. In the second part, I had demanded to locate its origin and patient zero of Covid-19. Dr Anthony Fauci has said that he’s ‘not convinced’ Covid developed naturally and calls for a full investigation.

Earlier, the Nobel Laureate and distinguished Professor Tasuku Honjo of the Kyoto University, the Institute of Advanced Study has stated that all indicators of the Covid-19 suggest that it is a man-made virus. He has even claimed that in case he is proven wrong, he will surrender his Nobel Prize and if he is not proven right then the government of Japan withdraws his award post his death.

Similarly, Japan and Taiwan media have claimed that coronavirus originated in the US, not in China and that some (or many) of the 1400 American deaths attributed to influenza may have in fact have resulted from coronavirus; obviously, this needs a thorough probe. Hence the US cannot be blamed unless a proper investigation is done and a report is submitted by the WHO panel which is evaluating this virus.

On the other hand, on February 14, 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that they will begin to test individuals with influenza-like illness for the novel coronavirus at public health labs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City.

The novel coronavirus—Covid-19 continues to spread around the world with panic with many unsubstantiated claims, conspiracy theories, and misinformation about the disease. Soon after the outbreak of coronavirus, a theory about the virus’ origins started, as to who should be made responsible for it. Many claim that the virus didn’t come from nature; but had instead been created in a laboratory as a bioweapon, but similarly, on the other hand, many are claiming it natural. The plain reading of the above information clearly shows that it should be thoroughly investigated on scientific grounds to reveal the facts behind the deadly Covid-19.

The UN needs to examine if it is any sponsored terrorist group that is managing the chain of bio-terrorism ensuring the suspicion and gulf or is it a fight within the world powers or the virus was created to sell vaccines. The global village would like to reach its depth and if the origin is not traced and the investor is not identified then this ‘small deadly virus’ has got the potential to lead the world to World War III. All that has happened cannot be just overlooked and I am sure that some senior virologists will back me in supporting my demand for a pragmatic and transparent investigation from an independent panel of investigators.

This was the reason that I was the first across the world to have written a letter to the Secretary-General United Nations to constitute a high-powered commission consisting of scientists from across the world to thoroughly investigate the origin, nature, structure, and spread of ‘Covid-19’. The formation of a UN Commission on Covid-19 will certainly require the full backing of the international community.

I still insist that it is manmade but the blame cannot be levelled against any country unless a transparent investigation is conducted. Dr Fauci needs to wait for the evaluation report by the panel on Covid-19 headed by the former prime minister of New Zealand Ms. Helen Clark and the sub-panel looking into Patient Zero. The investigator needs to examine and first point out as to how many known and unknown virology labs and have the countries report their locations to the authorities monitoring the implementation of the UN Biological Weapons Convention, 1975.

In my letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on April 3, 2020, I had proposed to constitute a high-powered commission on Covid-19 under the UN Convention on Biological Weapons, 1975 to be comprised of virologists, scientists, professors, researchers, analysts, and experts in the fields of microbiology and virology.

For the proposed UN commission on Covid-19, I in my letter had proposed the following seven ToRs to the UN secretary-general: To accurately identify the location of Covid-19’s origin; the affected countries to provide samples of their coronavirus patients; to identify/locate patient zero, through available statistics; to discover why the behaviour, intensity, and fertility rate of Covid-19 varies from country to country, by using available data; to discover whether Covid-19 is manmade or a naturally-grown virus. If it is manmade, then what is the biological and/or scientific mechanism capable of modifying/re-engineering this virus for use as bio-weapon or a bio-warfare tool; to find out the mechanism of developing or growing this virus without or within the human body, and its survival period on surfaces; to examine the allegations of transporting this virus from one place to other destinations in the world, as a biological warfare tactics; to find out if the virus is a result of genetic modifications or cross-breeding of animals, and if there are precedence of similar viruses being transferred from animals to humans, or being transferred by any type of food.

The world is waiting for the report of the panel which is investigating it but in the meantime, the UN should make public as to how many virology labs and biowarfare labs are functioning in the world and what is the monitoring mechanism. I hope the WHO panel will also suggest the measures to overcome such a pandemic in the future.

I would like to conclude that this one gram of virus has brought the world to halt. I hope the Bill Gates foundation will help in this probe under the able guidance of Mr. Bill Gates who had also predicted in 2015-2017 that there would be a virus that will kill millions of people across the world.

Let us pray for a Covid-free world. Meanwhile, I would like to request the WHO to also clarify about the propaganda that microchips will be injected with the Covid-19 vaccine as it is misleading many people across the world.

Note: The Article was published in The Nation on May 24, 2021, Link to the original article:

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