The book is
an insightful work that has uncovered the conspiracy and the main characters,
handlers, facilitators, assassins, and suicide bombers involved in the
martyrdom of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. The work of JIT consisting of
senior police and FIA officers is commendable.
Senator A.
Rehman Malik has consolidated the entire investigation in this booklet in a
very simple way so that everyone can easily understand what had actually
happened and who were behind the brutal act. He has also mentioned about
Ikramullah, the alleged second suicide bomber who had possibly escaped from the
scene and currently is allegedly residing with the incumbent chief of TTP Mufti
Noor Wali in Afghanistan.
expects that the second suicide bomber shall be brought back to Pakistan by the
present government enabling the investigators to dig more information.
The martyrdom
of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto will remain a national tragic incident in the
history of Pakistan and we hope that the Bhutto family and the workers of PPP
get justice.
All the
accused were convicted by the trial court and the matter is now pending in the
High Court which is being pursued by PPP lawyers headed by Sardar Latif Khosa.
Shafqat Ali
Pakistani Journalist
years have passed and PPP workers are still waiting for justice in the Shaheed
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto assassination case. As a nation, we were so unfortunate
that we lost such a visionary, heroic and charismatic international leader. The
tragic incident of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's assassination took place
during the caretaker government when General Musharraf was President. The
initial investigation was carried out by the then hierarchy and it was very
surprising that the crime scenes were washed away immediately after the crimes
both in Karsaz Karachi and Liaquat Bagh Rawalpindi whereas the washing of
crimes is never done in such cases especially in murder cases and that in the
case of Former Prime Minister of the country. Instead of keeping the evidence safe,
they were ordered to clear, which raises several questions. All these aspects
and various suspicions were taken seriously so that investigations could be
carried out to uncover the facts and reach the real culprits. The Liaqat Bagh
attack was not the first while many life attacks were made that included first
in 1993 when Osama bin Laden had pumped a lot of finance to religious parties
in Pakistan, second in the same year when Abdul Shakoor, Yousaf Ramzi, Capt.
Abdul Hakim @ Majid, Munir Ibrahim, and Abdul Shakoor planned to assassinate
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto during her election campaign at Nishtar Park, Karachi
through shooting for which weapons were provided by Khalid Al-Sheikh
(mastermind of 9/11 incident) through Abdul Shakoor. In another attempt, on
12th December 2007, one of the terrorists was able to touch the vehicle of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto after a PPP gathering at Pabbi and the same terrorist
group kept on chasing Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and conspired and planned
assassination attempt on her at Arbab Niaz Stadium, Peshawar after public
meeting on 26th December 2007.
The case of
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto assassination was transferred from Punjab
police to FIA under the orders of the then Federal Government. A high-powered
JIT was constituted for further investigation of the case. The Team (JIT) of
FIA led by Mr. Tariq Khosa, included Mr. Khalid Qureshi, the then Director
CTW/FIA as lead investigator, Mr. Bin Amin, the then IGP Islamabad, Mr. Azad
Khan, Mr. Sajjad Haider, and Mr. Ghulam Asghar Jatoi. The outcome of the
investigation by the JIT is fully reflected in the report. This report dispels
the false impression engineered by some with their ulterior motives that the
PPP leadership during its tenure had been unable to investigate the case to its
logical conclusion which stands negated as below. The summary of the
investigation will further shed the light on the investigation and trial and
also how Ch Zulfiqar Ali, the special prosecutor of this case was assassinated.
It remained a mystery in the minds of investigators as to how the only US drone
hit in Khyber Agency to kill Obaid ur Rehman alias Chattan who was the main
handler of Bibi’s murder plan.
Despite all
difficulties, a hidden force was acting odd to stop the investigation, the
courageous police and FIA officers managed to arrest many and were able to
piece the evidence together and bring the accused to justice. The accused were
found guilty and the competent court convicted them and the matter is pending
in court. The investigation process was very transparent and both the
Parliament and the Sindh Assembly were kept informed. It has been recently
found that one suicide bomber, Ikramullah, who slipped away from the scene and
after spending a long time with Bait Ullah Mehsud moved to Afghanistan. The
incumbent chief of TTP Mufti Noor Wali has confirmed his presence in Qandahar
and it is confirmed that two life attempts have been made last year but he
escaped. It is also a mystery about which odd forces want to kill him as even a
day before to appear in an interview with BBC London, he was attacked in
Afghanistan resultantly the interview could not take place.
I had written
a letter to then-Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal on January 30, 2018 demanding
that a request be made to Afghan president to deport Ikramullah, a surviving
suicide bomber, and Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali, the author of ‘Inqilab
Mehsud South Waziristan: From British Raj to American Imperialism’. I had
stated “Interrogation Ikramullah and Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali will
further unearth the facts of the conspiracy behind assassination of Benazir
Bhutto,” I had also requested that Interpol be also requested to issue red
notices against Ikramullah and Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali enabling
Pakistan to request for the deportation of these two TTP leaders.” Sadly, no
progress was reported despite of the second reminder to expedite Ikramullah
deportation. I had also written to the government of Afghanistan for their
deportation but no response.
Later on May
17, 2018, in another letter to then Minister of Interior, while taking notice
of the release of five terrorists of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) who were
declared guilty of murdering Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, by Joint
Investigation Team (JIT) of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), I as Chairman
Senate Standing Committee on Interior had demanded to immediacy place the names
of Abdul Rashid, Aitzaz Shah, Rafaqat Hussain, Husnain Gul and Sher Zaman on
the Exit Control List (ECL) to avoid them fleeing from the country.
The salient
features of the said investigations are as under:
The crime
scene was washed away by the then administration within one hour and twenty
minutes of the incident, which had a negative effect on the collection of
forensic evidence of the incident. The washing away of the crime scene of any
such incident was nothing but to hamper the investigation of the case. This act
of the then administration was, therefore, clearly against the law. Senior
police officers who were found involved in tampering with the police official
log register were prosecuted and convicted. The JIT also investigated the
washing away of the crime scene and found the involvement of officials. The JIT
interviewed and interrogated several people in this regard and the list is in
the JIT report.
The JIT was
able to identify the conspirators, instigators, abettors, handlers and
executors and brought them to justice. Many miscreants involved in the murder
were mysteriously killed at various check posts and full details of such accused
are part of the JIT report.
The UN
investigators also found that the then government did not provide adequate
security for the former prime minister, according to the Blue Book.
Investigators found that Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto had been on the hit
list since 1993, which was set up during the investigation. Yousuf Ramzi had
made two life attempts on Benazir Bhutto in Karachi. The security escort
responsible for the safe journey of the motorcade of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto
from residence to Liaqat Bagh and back was removed and shifted to another place
before Mohtarma had finished her public address. The responsibility was fixed
wherein the then CCPO Rawalpindi was responsible for removing the security
escort to another place of duty.
contingency plan in case of an emergency was not followed and the damaged
vehicle of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was diverted to a hospital further away from
the incident scene and the ambulance and paramedical staff were not detailed in
the security plan.
The then CCPO
of Rawalpindi police did not allow the doctors to carry out the post-mortem of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and gave false statements in this connection.
The then
Federal Government had invited a team of Scotland Yard police of UK with a very
limited scope of investigation. They were only tasked to find out the cause of
death. Although the team concluded that Mohtarma was not hit by any bullet
which caused her death, but this conclusion was not in absolute terms.
confessions of the following accused persons were substantiated with
independent forensic evidence to prove their criminal act in the court of law
including the DNA of the joggers used by the terrorist/suicide bomber,
recovered from the house of one of the accused persons.
Aitezaz Shah
had knowledge of the conspiracy besides having identified the voice of
Baitullah Mehsud. Sher Zaman also had knowledge of the conspiracy. Hasnain Gul
was in contact with conspirators in Madrassa Haqqania, i.e. Qari Ismail,
Ibad-ur-Rehman, and Nasrullah. He received the handler, Nasrullah, and the
suicide bomber at Pir Wadahi Bus Stand and lodged them at the house of Rafaqat
Hussain, co-accused. He also conducted reconnaissance in November 2007 and kept
the suicide jacket at his home. Muhammad Rafaqat, along with Hasnain Gul picked
the suicide bomber and his handler from the Bus Stand and kept them at his
house overnight. He also took Nasrullah to Liaqat Bagh and Rashid Ahmed Turabi
had knowledge of the conspiracy. He also identified Abdullah alias Saddam, Qari
Ismail, Nasrullah, and suicide bomber Bilal.
It may be
mentioned here that the PPP leadership was of the firm view that the
assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto had international dimensions with a
wider conspiracy plan. The PPP Government, therefore, requested the UN
Secretary General to constitute an Inquiry Commission to investigate the case
in order to unearth the conspiracy. The Inquiry Commission submitted its Report
in May 2010 wherein it primarily held the then Federal Government responsible
for not providing Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed adequate and proper security.
It also discredited the findings of the committee appointed by the then Punjab
Government with regard to washing of the crime scene. On the basis of the findings
of the Inquiry Commission, the Federal Government decided to transfer the case
to FIA for further investigation and constituted a high-powered JIT as
mentioned above.
investigation carried out by the JIT had led to the facts that:
conspiracy was hatched at Room No 96 of Madrassa Haqqania, Akora Khattak by the
former student of the said Madrassa. One Ibad-ur-Rehman, a former student of
Madrassa Haqqania had brought the suicide bomber to the Madrassa from then TTP
chief Baitullah Mahsud and stayed in Room No. 96 overnight.
collected the original admission record with photographs, addresses and
parentage from the Madrassa of those students who conspired and then executed
the conspiracy.
Nasrullah, who had brought suicide bombers in Rawalpindi on December 26, 2007
and Ibad-ur-Rehman, the planner and ex-students of the Madrassa were later on
found to have been killed in separate operations by the LEAs.
The JIT did
their best job and brought facts to the light as all those involved in the
assassination of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto were identified, chased,
arrested, prosecuted, and convicted under the law. Unfortunately, a two-member
Rawalpindi bench of the Lahore High Court comprising Justice Mirza Waqas and
Justice Sardar Serfraz granted bail to Abdul Rashid, Aitzaz Shah, Rafaqat
Hussain, Husnain Gul, and Sher Zaman on their appeal whose roles are well
explained above. Since the case is still pending in the court of law,
therefore, I refrain from shedding light on some of the most crucial aspects of
the case but in the meantime, we hope that we will get justice.
Conclusion —
Anti Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's groups had decided to eliminate as part
of their agenda and finally it was carried out under the direction of Baitullah
Mehsud which has been fully established by the JIT. I would like to reiterate
my request to the Government of Pakistan to request the Government of
Afghanistan to extradite Ikramullah to Pakistan and also take the matter to
Interpol for issuing his red warrant.
Senator A. Rehman Malik
The summary
of the earlier attempts is mentioned below to understand the mindset of the
hostile elements:
In 1995, one FazalullahHamdi @Abu Talha resident of Panjgoor,
Baluchistan, arrested by the then Frontier Police (now Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa) for
links with terrorists disclosed that Yousaf Ramzi, Capt. Abdul Hakim @ Majid
and others had planned assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto prior to 1993
elections. Subsequently, one Abdul Sahkoor, a staunch affiliate of
Sipah-e-Sahaba, and a close associate of Yousaf Ramzi, arrested by Peshawar
Police for carrying ammunition to Karachi on train confirmed about two assassination
attempts conspired and planned by Yousaf Ramzi, Capt. Abdul Hakim @ Majid and
Munir Ibrahim including himself. According to Abdul Shakoor, Osama bin Laden
had pumped a lot of finance to religious parties in Pakistan for the purpose.
One Munir Ibrahim was the paymaster on behalf of Osama bin Laden @ Abu
According to
the interrogation report of Abdul Shakoor, Yousaf Ramzi, Capt. Abdul Hakim @
Majid, Munir Ibrahim and Abdul Shakoor again planned to assassinate Mohtrama
Benazir Bhutto during her election campaign at Nishtar Park, Karachi through
shooting for which weapons were provided by Khalid Al-Sheikh (mastermind of
9/11 incident) through Abdul Shakoor. They hired ex-army personnel from Sukkur
as assassin through Amin Baloch of Sipah-e-Sahaba but he did not arrive from
Sukkur on time.
Having been
able to penetrate in the procession of 18th October 2007, the terrorists became
encouraged to undertake another assassination attempt on Mohtarma Benazir
Bhutto. On 12th December 2007, one of the terrorists was able to touch
the vehicle of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto after a PPP workers gathering at Pabbi.
They noted that the security after public meetings becomes lax and Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto always comes out of the sun-roof of the vehicle to wave to the
workers. Subsequent tracking of the movements of the terrorist groups through
Call Record Data Analysis indicated the presence of Ibad-ur-Rehman @ Nauman @
Usman in Nowshera, a hard-core militant, on that day who had later been found
involved in the planning and execution of plan of assassination of Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2007 at Liaqat Bagh, Rawalpindi.
The same terrorist group kept on chasing Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto
and conspired and planned assassination attempt on her at Arbab Niaz Stadium,
Peshawar after public meeting on 26th December 2007. Abdullah @ Saeed
(Long-necked), Bilal and Ikramullah were the suicide bombers; Nasarullah, a
student of Darul-Aloom Haqqania, along with two others were the handlers. The
plan could not be executed because of the strict security arrangements.
In the absence of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, the trial was
approximately 75% was completed but on his return the trial was re-started. Ironically,
when the trial was in progress, Special Prosecutor Ch. Zulfiqar, Advocate High
Court was short dead on May 3, 2013 while he was going to the court for the
prosecution. One of the killers namely Abdullah Khalid s/o Col. (Retd) Khalid
Abbassi was arrested but was later released on bail. Col. (R) Khalid Abbassi
was thrown out of the Army for his links with the terrorists. Abdullah Khalid
was a former student of LLB in Islamic University, Islamabad. The dead body of
the second killer was recovered from the house of one of the Al-Qaeda
associates in Barakhau. Earlier he had been receiving threats to his life but
he continued with the trial of the case. His family members are still waiting
for the justice.
The killing of some of the facilitators like Ibad-ur-Rehman @
Chattan and the killing of Ch. Zulfiqar are interconnected act to suppress the
proceedings of the assassination case of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
The current status of the case is that seven accused were killed
and eight were arrested out of which three are on bail. The trial of the case
is almost completed pending statements of the accused under section 342 C. P.
C., which was fixed for 2nd January 2017.
The trial
has, no doubt, unusually taken a longer time to conclude due to various reasons
but primarily due to delaying tactics of the attorneys of the accused persons
despite continuous efforts of the of PPP’s leadership to accelerate the
proceedings. Ch. Iftikhar Mohammad as the Chief Justice of Pakistan had been
taking suo moto of everything but despite of our appeals, he didn’t pay any
attentions to the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto murder case.
This output
of investigation would indicate that a proper and comprehensive investigation
was carried out by the JIT of FIA during the PPP tenure and the accused persons
were put into extensive investigations and the detailed forensic of telephone/
EMIs and tower locations led to the accused and the upward and downward
journeys of accused were identified through phones and subsequent confirmation of
the accused and other witnesses. Copy of the geo-fencing of the mobile phone
calls is enclosed for a better understanding of their links to the crime and
the crime scene.
What we need
to appreciate is that the evidence collected by the JIT conclusively linked the
accused persons with the crime through documentary and forensic evidence and
exposing of the entire network involved in this conspiracy including the
disclosures of Ilyas Kashmiri, a known militant who was also killed in a drone
attack, to one of his close confidant Maj. (R) Haroon.
It may please
also be appreciated that all the accused persons, who are alive, are facing a
trial of complex nature where the prosecution is proceeding with the evidence
to prove the involvement against each accused person beyond reasonable doubt.
On the other hand, the accused persons are continuously obstructing the trial
on one pretext or the other and the delay caused due to these reasons has
created conspiracy theories in the minds of the public.
The fact
remains that the accused of the murder of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto are facing
trial and that after the statements of the accused persons in the court, we can
expect a verdict of the court.
- The crime scene was washed away by the
then administration within 1 hour and 20 minutes of the incident, which
had negative effect on the collection of forensic evidence of the
incident. The washing away of the crime scene of any such incident was
nothing but to hamper with the investigation of the case. This act of the
then administration was, therefore, clearly against the law. This aspect
of the investigation was, however, investigated by the JIT and fixed the
responsibility wherein it was discovered that the then CCPO Rawalpindi had
directed one of his SP to get the crime scene washed. Both the police
officers were, therefore, cited as accused persons and were challaned. An
Inquiry Committee appointed by the then Punjab Government to fix the
responsibility of washing of the crime scene finally absolved the
concerned officers of the local administration of any responsibility.
- The security provided by the then
Government/administration was inadequate and was not according to the
Blue Book and SOP. The government did not provide the security to her as
notified for the former PMs.
- The security escort responsible for the
safe journey of the motorcade of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto from
residence to Liaqat Bagh and back was removed and shifted to another place
before Mohtarma had finished her public address. The responsibility was
fixed wherein the then CCPO Rawalpindi was responsible for removing the
security escort to another place of duty.
- The contingent plan in case of an
emergency was not followed and the damaged vehicle of Mohtarma Benazir
Bhutto was diverted to a hospital further away from the incident scene and
the ambulance and paramedical staff was not detailed in the security plan.
- The then CCPO of Rawalpindi police did
not allow the doctors to carry out the post-mortem of Mohtarma Benazir
Bhutto and gave false statements in this connection.
- The then Federal Government had invited a
team of Scotland Yard police of UK with very limited scope of
investigation. They were only tasked to find out the cause of death. Although,
the team concluded that Mohtarma was not hit of any bullet, which caused
her death but this conclusion was not in absolute term.
- The confessions of the following accused
persons were substantiated with independent forensic evidence to prove their
criminal act in the court of law including the DNA of the joggers used by
the terrorist/ suicide bomber, recovered from the house of one of the
accused persons.
(1) Aitezaz
Shah - Knowledge of conspiracy besides having identified the voice of
Baitullah Mehsud.
(2) Sher
Zaman – Knowledge of conspiracy.
(3) Hasnain
Gul – In contact with conspirators in Madrassa Haqqania, i.e. Qari Ismail,
Ibad-ur-Rehman and Nasrullah. He received the handler, Nasrullah, and the
suicide bomber at PirWadahi Bus Stand and lodged them at the house of Rafaqat
Hussain, co-accused. He also conducted recce in November 2007 and kept suicide
jacket at his home.
(4) Muhammad
Rafaqat– He along with Hasnain Gul picked the suicide bomber and his
handler from the Bus Stand and kept them at his house overnight. He also took
Nasrullah to Liaqat Bagh for recce.
(5) Rashid
Ahmed Turabi– Knowledge of the conspiracy. He also identified Abdullah @
Saddam, Qari Ismail, Nasrullah and Suicide bomber Bilal.
It must be
mentioned here that the PPP leadership was of the firm view that the
assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto had international dimensions with a
wider conspiracy plan. The PPP Government, therefore, requested the UN
Secretary General to constitute an Inquiry Commission to investigate the case
in order to un-earth the conspiracy. The Inquiry Commission submitted its
Report in May 2010 wherein it primarily held the then Federal Government
responsible for not providing Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed adequate and
proper security. It also discredited the findings of the committee appointed by
the then Punjab Government with regard to washing of the crime scene. On the
basis of the findings of the Inquiry Commission, the Federal Government decided
to transfer the case to FIA for further investigation and constituted a
high-powered JIT as mentioned above.
was hatched at Room No. 96 of Madrassa Haqqania, Akora Khattak by the former
student of the said Madrassa. One Ibad-ur-Rehman, a former student of Madrassa
Haqqania had brought suicide bomber to the Madrassa from then TTP chief
Baitullah Mahsud and stayed in Room No. 96 overnight.
JIT collected the original admission record with photographs, addresses &
parentage from Madrassa of those students who conspired and then executed the
Nasrullah who had brought suicide bombers in Rawalpindi on 26th December, 2007
and Ibad-ur-Rehman, the planner and ex-students of the Madrassa were later on
found to have been killed in separate operations by the LEAs.
accused and their associates were based in Madrassa and residing in hostel in
2007. Their meeting and operation point remained Room no. 96.
Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain, close relatives, have turned militant after
Lal Masjid Operation called “Operation Silence” where one of the close friends
of Hasnain Gul namely Qari Fayaz was
killed. They also turned against Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed for her
support to the Operation and aligned themselves with Al-Qaeda and TTP.
described their motives as Shaheed Benazir Bhutto was a threat to Taliban in
Pakistan if had come into power. It
transpired that Azizullah (Maulvi Sahib) to whom Baitullah Mehsood called
(intercepted call) was also the student of this Madrassa.
Following absconders were traced during the investigation but
majority of them found to have been killed in separate and different
Mehsud – provided suicide bomber Saeed @ Bilal and the funds.
@Usman @ Chattan – Provided suicide bomber and suicide jacket to
Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain. Killed in a drone attack on 13.05.2010 in
mysterious way as the Investigators were chasing him through his mob and
strangely he fled to Tribal area where was killed in only drone hit in Khyber.
@ Saddam – Involved in planning of the incident, taking suicide
bomber from Baitullah Mehsudto hand over to Ibad-ur-Rehman. Killed in
MamadGatt, Mohmand Agency in an explosion on 31.05.2008.
Muhammad @ Kiskat – Involved in conspiracy and provision of
suicide vests to Rafaqat and Hasnain Gul and he was very close to Bait Ullah
– Second suicide bomber deployed at the other gate of Liaqat Bagh, Rawalpindi
as he was to hit Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s Vehicle in case the convoy
to go in the opposition direction via Raja Bazar. He is still a Proclaimed
Offender. He remained part of the conspiracy and traveled together with other
suicide bomber. Till the death of then TTP Chief Baitullah Mehsud, Ikramullah
lived with him in Makeen and after his murder, he fled to Afghanistan and currently he is residing with TTP incumbent chief
Mufti Noor Wali Mehsud. BBC London attempted to interview and it is
confirmed that he agreed for interview with Owen Bennett Jones- a renowned
journalist of BBC. Just a day before the interview, he was attacked in Qandahar
but by another group of Taliban he was rescued. For the extradition of Ikramullah, many requests were made to the
Government of Pakistan to request the Government of Afghanistan to hand over
him to Pakistan and also take the matter with Interpol for issuing his red
warrant since his statement and investigation is very crucial in the case.
– Handler of the suicide bombers and carried out recce of the place of
incident. Killed in Mohmand Agency on 15.01.2008.
@ Qari Ismail – Main character of the conspiracy. Killed in
Mohmand Agency on 15.01.2008.
was observed that the main accused persons who were part of this conspiracy
plan or facilitator were killed successively as part of the post action
elimination plan.
the Taliban during their meetings with Afghan Government in Qatar and in Murree
through the courtesy of Government of Pakistan, had demanded the release and deportation
of accused Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain as one of their demands. It,
therefore, clearly demonstrates their close association with the
In addition
to the above accused persons, Mr. Saud Aziz, the then CCPO and SP Khurram Shahzad
were sighted as accused for their involvement in ordering in charge of security
escort to report to a different place, obstructing post mortem and directing
washing away of the crime scene, and physical supervision of the washing of the
crime scene, respectively. However, both are on bail now and facing trial.
The then
President General (R) Pervez Musharraf was also cited as an accused in the case
for failure to provide adequate security. Mr. Mark Seigal, in his statement
deposed that Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto had once received a threatening call from
Gen. Pervez Musharraf from Pakistan while she was in his office. She disclosed
to him that Gen. Pervez Musharraf had warned her that “her security depends on
her cooperation with him”. Gen. Pervez Musharraf also arranged a press
conference through the then DG/NCMC on the very next day of the incident in
order to influence the investigation and to divert the attention and focus of
the investigation. The investigators included the name of Gen. Pervez Musharaf
in Col. 2 of the Report u/s 173 Cr. P. C. – popularly known as Challan. On his
return from abroad, he was interrogated and his statement was submitted to the
court and the court converted his status of accused mentioned in Col 2 to an
accused and he is now on bail in this case. He is also facing trial of the
further investigation by the JIT all the suspected persons mentioned by
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto in her letter were thoroughly investigated but no
evidence of their involvement in her assassination was found; hence declared
‘white’ by the JIT.
It would be
pertinent to mention here that Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed had been the
continuous target of the terrorists prior to the last fateful incident. The
series of attempts on her life are indicative of the fact that vested interests
were bent upon to eliminate here since her emergence on the horizon of politics
of Pakistan.
The available call data record of cell phone numbers of the
accused was analyzed on professional and scientific lines by the digital
forensic experts and i2 analysts of Special Investigation Group, Federal
Investigation Agency. Since the data of the known accused and their connecting
numbers was not obtained on time, a comprehensive analysis could not be carried
out. If the Call Data Record was obtained on time it would have been of immense
investigative value. The available call data record of the following accused
and suspects was analyzed by SIG experts:
Nasarullah -
0304-9684538 ( 12-02-2007 to 28-12-2007)
Hasnain Gul -
0332-5609682 (26-12-2007 to 27-01-2008)
Rafaqat - 0331-5013836 (26-12-2007 to 28-12-2007)
Qari Ismail -
0344-6654236 (03-12-2007 to 31-12-2007)
- 0344-9666465 (07-12-2007 to 29-12-2007)
- 0346-9442498 (05-12-2007 to 18-12-2007)
Mazhar Uddin
- 0928-230493 (09-12-2007 to 28-12-2007)
Haji Shah
Wali Khan - 0965-238387
The analysis
revealed that Nasrullah, Hasnain Gul, Muhammad Rafaqat, Qari Ismail, Ibad-ur-Rehman
and the two PTCL numbers mentioned above were interconnected as shown in the
chart below between 02-12-2007 to 27-01-2008 while accused were involved in
planning, facilitating and execution of suicide bombing attack against Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto in Rawalpindi and subsequent escape from Rawalpindi to Dir etc.
The above mentioned
PTCL number0965238387 in Tank is the number on which one Moulvi Sb received a
call from one Amir Sb (Bait Ullah Mehsud) from the above mentioned PTCL number
0928230493 in Bannu / Miranshah on 28-12-2007, which was intercepted by ISI.
The same PTCL number in Tank had already called Nasarullah before he was called
by ‘Ameer Sahib’.
The call
pattern also shows the hierarchical positions of the accused involved. It could
be seen that Moulvi sahib who was in a senior position to Nasrullah called him.
Similarly Ameer sahib who is even senior in hierarchy called moulvi sahib to
get details about the incident.
Hasnain Gul and Muhammad Rafaqat were arrested by police on Jan 05, 2008. They
subsequently made confessional statement u/s 164 CrPC before the learned
Magistrate. In their confessional statements both have revealed that they
received 02 suicide bombers namely Bilal and Ikramullah along with accused
Nasarullah (killed in Momand Agency on 15-01-2008) near Daewoo terminal Rawalpindi
on Dec 26, 2007. Both of them disclosed their activities including
reconnaissance of Liaqat Bagh on Dec 27, 2007 by Rafaqat and Nasarullah and
bringing the 02 suicide bombers to the crime scene for suicide attack on
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
During call
record analysis RBS locations were analyzed which corroborated the confessional
statements of both arrested accused Hasnain Gul and Rafaqat Hussain. The lines
in the below diagram show the movement of accused persons as per the
confessional statement of Rafaqat and Hasnain. The tower locations based on the
calls made at the time corroborates that they were present on those locations
at the time. It could be seen that they were present at the scene of crime when
the suicide blast took place on Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. In this way their
involvement in the conspiracy is confirmed.
the time of arrest of accused Hasnain Gul and Muhammad Rafaqat on Jan 05, 2010,
police recovered following 03 cell phone numbers from their possession:-
Make |
Phone IMEI |
(Warid) |
1 |
Nokia 1112 |
356405012608494 |
410071390008236 |
2 |
Nokia 1200 |
359554016785688 |
410071930049920 |
3 |
Motorola |
35195501382647449 |
Without SIM Card |
examination of above mentioned cell phone numbers was conducted in SIG Computer
Forensic Laboratory. The IMEI analysis of above mentioned cell phones has
revealed that the cell phone recovered from Muhammad Rafaqat (with
IMEI356405012608494) at the time of arrest was in use of Hasnain Gul on the day
of occurrence i.e. 27-12-2007.
Call record
analysis of cell phone numbers of arrested accused Hasain Gul and Muhammad
Rafaqat (0332-5609682 and 0331-50138336 respectively) has further corroborated
that the above mentioned numbers were in use of arrested accused Hasnain Gul
and Muhammad Rafaqat. Hasnain Gul called the landline number installed at the
residence of Muhammad Rafaqat and the cell phone in his use on 27-12-2007 (the
day of occurrence) was recovered from Muhammad Rafaqat at the time of arrest.
Furthermore, the cell phone numbers disclosed by Muhammad Rafaqat to be in his
use on 27-12-2007 (the day of occurrence) was in contact with a cell phone
number 0300-2594556, which was in use of Shahzad (brother of Muhammad Rafaqat),
moreover the cell phone number of Muhammad Rafaqat was in contact with two
other cell phone numbers which are registered in the name of Sabir Hussain
(father of Muhammad Rafaqat).
The analysis
of Call Data Record of accused Nasrullah clearly shows that he was also in
contact with some known suspects of TTP and Al-Qaida. A telephone number
(0963-700877) that was used in ransom negotiations of Mr. Satish Anand and Mr.
Aqeel Haji, who were kidnapped from Karachi in 2008, was in frequent contact
with accused Nasrullah. These two kidnapping cases were attributed to TTP and
Al-Qaida affiliated militant commander Illyas Kashmiri.
investigation of the case by JIT of Punjab Police, the CD containing the
conversation between Baitullah Mehsud and one Moulvi was produced by an official
of Ministry of Interior but the JIT did not record the statement of the
recorder of the conversation. Due to this lapse, this vital piece of evidence
was heresy evidence and would not have been admissible in the court. FIA JIT,
however, recorded the statement of the operator who actually intercepted that
conversation. Muhammad Ismail operator ISI Islamabad stated that on 28-12-2007
during interception of routinely under observation telephone numbers, ISI
intercepted a telephone call from a phone number 0928-230493 (registered in the
name of Mazharuddin) to a phone number 0965-238387 (registered in the name of
Haji Shah Wali Khan). Through experience he identified the caller from the phone
number 0928-230493 as Baitullah Mehsud. He recorded the conversation on the CD
whose duration was 01 minute and 13 seconds.
Name: Qari
Saifullah Akhtar
Education: Graduate of,
Jamia Uloom UL lslamia Karachi.
Network: Harkat ul
Jihadul lsmali, Al-Qaeda, Harkat-ul-Ansar
Qari Saifullah Akhtar died on 9th January 2017; he was involved in
Jihadi groups since the early 1980s.
He was involved in the 1995 coup attempt to topple the Pakistani
government led by Benazir Bhutto.
Akhtar was arrested in Lahore on February 26, 2008 for his alleged
involvement in the attempted assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Karachi on
October18, 2007." He is involved in the blasts in Karsaz.
Akhtar was ordered freed from custody March 26, 2008 for lack of
evidence. That September he was suspected to be involved in the Islamabad
Marriott Hotel bombing.
Akhtar was rearrested in August 2010 after he was injured in a
drone strike but was re-released four months later.
The Afghan National Directorate of Security confirmed that Akhtar
was killed in a raid in Nawa District, Ghazni Province on 9 January 2017.
Real Name Shaikh
Gul Naseeb Khan
Cast (Qaum) Wazir
Resident of BARMAL
Network Haqqani
Close aide of Baitullah Mahsood, then chief of TTP.
Main Coordinator in assassination of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir
In May 2012 the body of Maulana Naseeb Khan Wazir, aleading cleric
from North Waziristan, was found between Kohat-Dara Adam Khel after he was kidnapped
in the Nowshera.
He was a renowned Teacher in Madrassah Haqqania Akora.
The investigators chased him and he evaded arrest every time.
His tortured dead body was found between Khota Dara Adam Khel.
His wife and two children are still residing in the Hostel of
Haqqania Madrassah.
Father Name: Molvi Sher Muhammad
Resident: Spin Kai,Tehsil Sarokai,
South Waziristan
Network: Haqqani Network
Reportedly died in 2010 in a Drone Attack in North Waziristan.
His father Molvi Sher Muhammad was known as Molvi Spinkai in his
He was very close to Haji Gul another terrorist from Haqqani
Major Haroon,
currently confined in Adiala Jail, Rawalpindi in murder case of Gen. (R) Alvi,
was interviewed regarding assassination of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and other
issues. The brief is as under:
He was initially affiliated with Lashkar-e-Taiba and was de facto
advisor to Mr. Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi. He joined LeT in 2002 after resigning
from Army.
He visited Lakhvi in Muzaffarabad in September 2001 while still in
Army. After sometime, he developed differences with LeT leadership over their
strategy and execution of the plans and then joined 313 Brigade of Ilyas
Kashmiri. Ilyas Kashmiri was also ex-LeT member.
He stated that he was neither involved in the assassination of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto nor was privy to the plan. However, after 18h October
2007 assassination attempt on Mohtarma. He was told by Ilyas Kashmiri that it
was planned by Sheikh Abu Obaida Al-Misri and executed through Baitullah
He further stated that the second attempt was also planned and
executed by the same source. When asked about the veracity of the information,
he stated that he trusts and believes Ilyas Kashmiri and this information was
given to him by Ilyas Kashmiri.
As for as the planning and execution is concerned, he stated that
it was superb. When questioned, he commented that Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was
daring and bold lady and he was confident that she would definitely give chance
to the assailants and that what she did. He further explained that his
assessment was based on various video footages of her public
appearances/meetings, he had seen.
According to his information, there were two suicidal bombers and
he did not know any of them. When question, he explained that it was Ilyas
Kashmiri who had provided this information to him.
The Amir of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali in his book ‘INQILAB MEHSUD SOUTH
30, 2017 has claimed the assassination of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. It
was for the first time that Taliban officially on record confessed the murder
of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. The investigation done by JIT has also
concluded that the Taliban/TTP and Al-Qaeda had carried out the assassination
of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and that the conspiracy was hatched in
Miranshah, North Waziristan Agency by TTP Chief Baitullah Mehsud and his
The claims made by the TTP Emir in the
said book are summarized as under
Prior to
return of Banazir Bhutto for elections of 2008, Baitullah Mehsud had already
planned action against her as she was coming back to carry out plans against “Mujahideen-e-Islam”
as per desire of America.
In order
to frustrate the American plan, two suicide bombers namely Mohsin Mehsud and
Rehmatullah Mehsud carried out suicide attacks on Benazir Bhutto at Karsaz,
Karachi, in October 2007, which resulted in killing of approximately 200 people
but Benazir Bhutto escaped the attack.
The reason
for the unsuccessful attack was the deviation of the instructions by the
suicide bombers. The suicide bombers
abandoned their place of position, which was near the stage, and carried out
their attacks in hurry.
Both the
suicide bombers were associated with the training camp of Maulvi Azmatullah.
attack on Benazir Bhutto at Larkana could not be carried out due to a tip off
to police by a so-called Taliban mujahid, Mehraj Kaikhel.
1. Benazir Bhutto was killed in a suicide
attack in Rawalpindi on December 27, 2007, carried out by TTP.
2. Two suicide bombers Bilal a/k/a Saeed and
Ikramullah were tasked to carry out the attack on Benazir Bhutto on December
27, 2007.
3. The first suicide bomber Bilal a/k/a Saeed,
hailing from Badar, first fired at Benazir Bhutto from his pistol and the
bullet hit her neck. Then he detonated his explosive jacket and blew himself up
in the middle of the participants of the procession.
4. The second suicide bomber Ikramullah, a
resident of Makeen town in South Waziristan, escaped from the blast site and is
still alive.
5. According to Maulvi Imran, who was
interviewed by the author of the book, he [Maulvi
Imran] was assisted by Ahmed, Qari Ismail and Mullah Ehsan in the
assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto.
6. Since Commander Nasrullaha/k/a Ahmed,
resident of Said GhaiBarmalRabot, had come under the spotlight of the secret agencies
after his participation in the assassination attack on Benazir Bhutto as such
he shifted to Mohmand Agency from Peshawar.
In 2008, when he, along with one of associates Ismail [Qari Ismail] and a teenage suicide
bomber Naqeebullah Mehsud was on his mission of suicide attack in Mohmand
Agency, they were checked by the army at Nakai check post at Mohmand resulting
a fight took place between them and the army consequent to which all the three
suicide bombers were killed.
7. Although Benazir Bhutto had escaped
assassination attempt at Karachi yet the government did not provide her
adequate security due to which the suicide bombers ‘Fadayeen’ managed to reach
to her close proximity. After blast at
Rawalpindi, the whole evidence was destroyed to frustrate the investigation.
The FIA investigation had earlier identified
Ikramullah as second suicide bomber who had fled from the scene after the
attack by Bilal a/k/a Saeed. In the
investigation, he was declared proclaimed offender by the trial court.
It may be mentioned here that one of the
arrested accused persons namely Rashid Turabi in his confessional statement had
stated that his former class fellow from Madrassa Haqqania, Qari Ismail a/k/a
Nadir Khan, along with Nasrullah a/k/a Ahmed and Abdullah @ Saddam had
stayedovenight at his hostel room at Madrassa Munbah-ul-Aloom, Miran Shah, on
his way to Baitullah Mehsud. After two
days all of them came back to his hostel room along with one young boy, who was
introduced as Saeed @ Bilal by Abdullah @ Saddam, who was tasked to carry out
suicide attack on Benazir Bhutto. Qari Ismail a/k/a Nadir Khan was,
consequently, declared Proclaimed Offender by the trial court. After 15 days, he (accused Rashid Turabi) met
Nadir Khan @ Qari Ismail, Nasrullah @ Ahmed and Abdullah @ Saddam at Madrassa
Haqqania where Abdullah @ Saddam had confirmed that Saeed @ Bilal had carried
out suicide attack at Benazir Bhutto at Rawalpindi with the help of Ali Punjab
a/k/a Hasnain Gul.
According to the conclusion of the
investigation of FIA, Nasrullah @ Ahmed was the handler of the suicide bombers
who, along with the suicide bombers, had stayed overnight (intervening night of
26/27 December 2007) at the house of Rafaqat Hussain, another arrested accused. According to the geo-fencing and forensic
evidence, he along with the suicide bombers was present at the Liaquat Bagh,
Rawalpindi at the time and date of assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto.
Nasrullah was also declared Proclaimed Offender by the trial court. The investigation had further established
that both accused Hasnain Gul @ Ali Punjabi and Rafaat Hussain had received
Nasrullah and suicide bombers at the instruction of their active accomplice
namely Ibad-ur-Rehman. Ibad-ur-Rehman
was also declared Proclaimed Offender by the trial court. He was reportedly killed by a solo drown
attack in Khyber Agency, when FIA launched hunting exercise
More facts
were revealed by the incumbent chief of TTP Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali,
in his book ‘Inqilab –e-Meshud South Waziristan: From British Raj to American
Imperialism’ wherein he has confirmed the investigation and the facts
of JIT. The statement of Ikramullah in the case is highly important for whose extradition, I have been requesting the
Government of Pakistan since 2018 to request the Government of Afghanistan to
hand over him to Pakistan and also take the matter with Interpol for issuing
his red warrant. JIT deserves appreciations for its hard work and bravery in
bringing out the facts.
Briefly speaking Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan as
she wanted to restore democracy in the country. She wanted fair elections with
the participation of all political parties. Her historical arrival in Karachi
after a long exile was witnessed by the world but she was welcomed with an
assassination attempt at Karsaz, Karachi with a high-intensity bombing that
will remain part of Pakistan history. There were several attempts on her life
and some of those have been indicated in this book. She was assassinated during
the caretaker set up and the crime scene was washing away violating the law.
The PPP government transferred the case from Punjab Police to FIA and
constituted a high power JIT consisting of senior Police and FIA Officers who
conducted this investigation and salient features of this report and a copy of
Challan has been added in this book. The new facts about Ikramullah the second
bomber, Molvi Naseebullah the accused who was part of the conspiracy in this
assassination plan and was executed by Baitullah Mehsud.
Unfortunately, the then Government of Pakistan did not provide adequate
security to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto as per the Blue Book.
Dated: 11thMay,
Mr. Ahsan Iqbal,
Federal Minister for Interior,
Government of Pakistan,
Subject: - REQUEST
My Dear
I would like to express my deepest
concerns over the recent release of five members of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan
(TTP) who were declared guilty of murdering Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, by
Joint Investigation Team (JIT) of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). We, the PPP family feel that justice has not
been provided in this matter.
The confessions of these recently released accused persons
were substantiated with independent forensic evidence to prove their criminal
act in the court of law including the DNA of the joggers used by the terrorist/
suicide bomber, recovered from the house of one of the accused persons. Their
roles based on their confessional statements and collaborated evidences are
summarized here.
Aitezaz Shah - Knowledge of
conspiracy besides having identified the voice of Baitullah Mehsud.
(2) Sher
Zaman – Knowledge of conspiracy and part of operation.
(3) Hasnain Gul – In contact with
conspirators in Madrassa Haqqania i.e. Qari Ismail, Ibad-ur-Rehman and
Nasrullah. He received the handler,
Nasrullah, and the suicide bomber at PirWadahi Bus Stand and lodged them at the
house of Rafaqat Hussain (brother in law), co-accused. He also conducted recce in November 2007 and
kept suicide jacket at his home.
(4) Muhammad Rafaqat –
He along with Hasnain Gul picked the suicide bomber and his handler from the
Bus Stand and kept them at his house overnight.
He also took Nasrullah to Liaqat Bagh for recce.
(5) Rashid Ahmed Turabi
– Knowledge of the conspiracy. He also
identified Abdullah @ Saddam, Qari Ismail, Nasrullah and Suicide bomber Bilal.
He is well versed of the conspiracy against Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
The recently
published book “INQILAB MEHSUD SOUTH
by Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali, who is a senior leader in the TTP group
based in Afghanistan, has also corroborated and confirmed the facts of the
investigation carried out by the JIT of FIA. The said book is a self-confession
at the highest level involvement of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s assassination. The above five accused are
regular members of the TTP, which is evident from the fact that during the
Pakistan Government and Taliban peace dialogue in Murree, they were named in
the list provided by TTP to be released.
The TTP would have never demanded their release if they were not TTP’s
important members.
The relevant
portion of the said book “Inqilab Mehsud South Waziristan: From British Raj
To American Imperialism” in which
author has confessed the involvement of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
is summarized as under:-
1. Prior to return of Banazir Bhutto for
elections of 2008, Baitullah Mehsud had already planned action against her as
she was coming back to carry out plans against “Mujahideen-e-Islam” as per
desire of America.
2. In order to frustrate the American plan,
two suicide bombers namely Mohsin Mehsud and Rehmatullah Mehsud carried out
suicide attacks on Benazir Bhutto at Karsaz, Karachi, in October 2007, which
resulted in killing of approximately 200 people but Benazir Bhutto escaped the
3. The reason for the unsuccessful attack was
the deviation of the instructions by the suicide bombers. The suicide bombers abandoned their place of
position, which was near the stage, and carried out their attacks in hurry.
4. Both the suicide bombers were associated
with the training camp of Maulvi Azmatullah.
5. Planned attack on Benazir Bhutto at
Larkana could not be carried out due to a tip off to police by a so-called
Taliban mujahid, Mehraj Kaikhel.
1. Benazir Bhutto was killed in a suicide
attack in Rawalpindi on December 27, 2007, carried out by TTP.
2. Two suicide bombers Bilal a/k/a Saeed and
Ikramullah were tasked to carry out the attack on Benazir Bhutto on December
27, 2007.
3. The first suicide bomber Bilal a/k/a Saeed,
hailing from Badar, first fired at Benazir Bhutto from his pistol and the
bullet hit her neck. Then he detonated his explosive jacket and blew himself up
in the middle of the participants of the procession.
4. The second suicide bomber Ikramullah, a
resident of Makeen town in South Waziristan, escaped from the blast site and is
still alive.
5. According to Maulvi Imran, who was
interviewed by the author of the book, he [Maulvi
Imran] was assisted by Ahmed, Qari Ismail and Mullah Ehsan in the
assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto.
6. Since Commander Nasrullah a/k/a Ahmed,
resident of Said Ghai Barmal Rabot, had come under the spotlight of the secret
agencies after his participation in the assassination attack on Benazir Bhutto
as such he shifted to Mohmand Agency from Peshawar. In 2008, when he, along with one of
associates Ismail [Qari Ismail] and a
teenage suicide bomber Naqeebullah Mehsud was on his mission of suicide attack
in Mohmand Agency, they were checked by the army at Nakai check post at Mohmand
resulting a fight took place between them and the army consequent to which all
the three suicide bombers were killed.
7. Although Benazir Bhutto had escaped
assassination attempt at Karachi yet the government did not provide her
adequate security due to which the suicide bombers ‘Fadayeen’ managed to reach
to her close proximity. After blast at
Rawalpindi, the whole evidence was destroyed to frustrate the investigation.
on Points 4, 5 & 6 above:
(4) The
FIA investigation had earlier identified Ikramullah as second suicide bomber
who had fled from the scene after the attack by Bilal a/k/a Saeed. In the investigation, he was declared
proclaimed offender by the trial court.
It may be
mentioned here that one of the arrested accused persons namely Rashid Turabi in
his confessional statement had stated that his former class fellow from
Madrassa Haqqania, Qari Ismail a/k/a Nadir Khan, along with Nasrullah a/k/a
Ahmed and Abdullah @ Saddam had stayed ovenight at his hostel room at Madrassa
Munbah-ul-Aloom, Miran Shah, on his way to Baitullah Mehsud. After two days all of them came back to his
hostel room along with one young boy, who was introduced as Saeed @ Bilal by
Abdullah @ Saddam, who was tasked to carry out suicide attack on Benazir Bhutto. Qari Ismail a/k/a Nadir
Khan was, consequently, declared Proclaimed Offender by the trial court. After 15 days, he (accused Rashid Turabi) met
Nadir Khan @ Qari Ismail, Nasrullah @ Ahmed and Abdullah @ Saddam at Madrassa
Haqqania where Abdullah @ Saddam had confirmed that Saeed @ Bilal had carried
out suicide attack at Benazir Bhutto at Rawalpindi with the help of Ali Punjab
a/k/a Hasnain Gul.
According to
the conclusion of the investigation of FIA, Nasrullah @ Ahmed was the handler
of the suicide bombers who, along with the suicide bombers, had stayed
overnight (intervening night of 26/27 December 2007) at the house of Rafaqat
Hussain, another arrested accused.
According to the geo-fencing and forensic evidence, he along with the
suicide bombers was present at the Liaquat Bagh, Rawalpindi at the time and
date of assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto. Nasrullah was also declared
Proclaimed Offender by the trial court.The
investigation had further established that both accused Hasnain Gul @ Ali
Punjabi and Rafaat Hussain had received Nasrullah and suicide bombers at the
instruction of their active accomplice namely Ibad-ur-Rehman. Ibad-ur-Rehman was also declared Proclaimed
Offender by the trial court. He was
reportedly killed by a solo drown attack in Khyber Agency, when FIA launched
hunting exercise.
The trial court took nine years eight months and three days and
despite irrefutable evidence, it released the five main accused and hardcore
terrorists of Tehreek-i-Taliban
Pakistan (TTP) of namely Hasnain Gul, Rafaqat
Hussain, Abdul Rashid Turabi, Sher Zaman and Aitzaz Shah. While the Taliban
leadership has owned the responsibility of murdering Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir
Bhutto in the recently published book “Inqilab-e-Mehsud South Waziristan: From British Raj To American Imperialism”. The second suicide bomber Ikramullah is
still alive and residing in the Paktia province of Afghanistan.
It is therefore requested that the names of Abdul Rashid,
Aitzaz Shah, Rafaqat Hussain, HusnainGul and Sher Zaman may kindly be placed on
Exit Control List (ECL) to avoid their flee from the country.
The summary of investigation carried out by high powered JIT
is attached.
Looking forward for your prompt reply.
(Senator A. Rehman Malik)
Dated: 30th December, 2018.
Mr. Ahsan Iqbal,
Federal Minister for Interior,
Government of Pakistan,
I would like to refer to the
2017, claiming to have been reportedly written by Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali, reportedly a senior leader of
Taliban. It is for the first time that Taliban officially on record has
confessed the murder of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. The earlier
investigation done by JIT headed by Mr. Khalid Qureshi, Additional Director
General, FIA has also concluded that the Taliban/TTP and Al-Qaeda had carried
out the assassination of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and that the
conspiracy was hatched in Miranshah, North Waziristan Agency by TTP Chief
Baitullah Mehsud and his associates. A copy of the said report is available
with FIA Headquarters and the prosecution branch of the FIA.
According to the earlier investigations,
two suicide bombers provided by Baitullah Mahsud were identified. One was Bilal
a/k/a Saeed who blew himself in Liaquat Bagh resulting in Shahadat of Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto, whereas Ikramullah, the second suicide bomber escaped from the
scene and his whereabouts have recently been re-emerged in Afghanistan. He is
presently in the area of Paktia, which falls under the control of Afghanistan.
The claims made by the author in the
recently published said book are summarized as under:-
Prior to
return of Banazir Bhutto for elections of 2008, Baitullah Mehsud had already
planned action against her as she was coming back to carry out plans against
“Mujahideen-e-Islam” as per desire of America.
In order
to frustrate the American plan, two suicide bombers namely Mohsin Mehsud and
Rehmatullah Mehsud carried out suicide attacks on Benazir Bhutto at Karsaz,
Karachi, in October 2007, which resulted in killing of approximately 200 people
but Benazir Bhutto escaped the attack.
The reason
for the unsuccessful attack was the deviation of the instructions by the
suicide bombers. The suicide bombers
abandoned their place of position, which was near the stage, and carried out
their attacks in hurry.
Both the
suicide bombers were associated with the training camp of MaulviAzmatullah.
10. Planned attack on Benazir Bhutto at
Larkana could not be carried out due to a tip off to police by a so-called
Taliban mujahid, MehrajKaikhel.
8. Benazir Bhutto was killed in a suicide
attack in Rawalpindi on December 27, 2007, carried out by TTP.
9. Two suicide bombers Bilal a/k/a Saeed and
Ikramullah were tasked to carry out the attack on Benazir Bhutto on December
27, 2007.
10. The first suicide bomber Bilal a/k/a Saeed,
hailing from Badar, first fired at Benazir Bhutto from his pistol and the
bullet hit her neck. Then he detonated his explosive jacket and blew himself up
in the middle of the participants of the procession.
11. The second suicide bomber Ikramullah, a
resident of Makeen town in South Waziristan, escaped from the blast site and is
still alive.
12. According to Maulvi Imran, who was
interviewed by the author of the book, he [Maulvi
Imran] was assisted by Ahmed, Qari Ismail and Mullah Ehsan in the
assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto.
13. Since Commander Nasrullaha/k/a Ahmed,
resident of Said GhaiBarmalRabot, had come under the spotlight of the secret
agencies after his participation in the assassination attack on Benazir Bhutto
as such he shifted to Mohmand Agency from Peshawar. In 2008, when he, along with one of
associates Ismail [Qari Ismail] and a
teenage suicide bomber Naqeebullah Mehsud was on his mission of suicide attack
in Mohmand Agency, they were checked by the army at Nakai check post at Mohmand
resulting a fight took place between them and the army consequent to which all
the three suicide bombers were killed.
14. Although Benazir Bhutto had escaped
assassination attempt at Karachi yet the government did not provide her
adequate security due to which the suicide bombers ‘Fadayeen’ managed to reach
to her close proximity. After blast at
Rawalpindi, the whole evidence was destroyed to frustrate the investigation.
on Points 4, 5 & 6 above:
(4) The
FIA investigation had earlier identified Ikramullah as second suicide bomber
who had fled from the scene after the attack by Bilal a/k/a Saeed. In the investigation, he was declared
proclaimed offender by the trial court.
(5) It may be mentioned here that one of the arrested accused persons namely
Rashid Turabi in his confessional statement had stated that his former class
fellow from Madrassa Haqqania, Qari Ismail a/k/a Nadir Khan, along with
Nasrullah a/k/a Ahmed and Abdullah @ Saddam had stayedovenight at his hostel
room at Madrassa Munbah-ul-Aloom, Miran Shah, on his way to Baitullah
Mehsud. After two days all of them came
back to his hostel room along with one young boy, who was introduced as Saeed @
Bilal by Abdullah @ Saddam, who was tasked to carry out suicide attack on
Benazir Bhutto. Qari Ismail a/k/a Nadir Khan was, consequently, declared
Proclaimed Offender by the trial court.
After 15 days, he (accused Rashid Turabi) met Nadir Khan @ Qari Ismail,
Nasrullah @ Ahmed and Abdullah @ Saddam at Madrassa Haqqania where Abdullah @
Saddam had confirmed that Saeed @ Bilal had carried out suicide attack at
Benazir Bhutto at Rawalpindi with the help of Ali Punjab a/k/a Hasnain Gul.
According to
the conclusion of the investigation of FIA, Nasrullah @ Ahmed was the handler
of the suicide bombers who, along with the suicide bombers, had stayed
overnight (intervening night of 26/27 December 2007) at the house of Rafaqat
Hussain, another arrested accused.
According to the geo-fencing and forensic evidence, he along with the
suicide bombers was present at the Liaquat Bagh, Rawalpindi at the time and
date of assassination attempt on Benazir Bhutto. Nasrullah was also declared
Proclaimed Offender by the trial court.The
investigation had further established that both accused Hasnain Gul @ Ali
Punjabi and Rafaat Hussain had received Nasrullah and suicide bombers at the
instruction of their active accomplice namely Ibad-ur-Rehman. Ibad-ur-Rehman was also declared Proclaimed
Offender by the trial court. He was
reportedly killed by a solo drown attack in Khyber Agency, when FIA launched
hunting exercise.
The book authored by Abu MansoorAsim Mufti
Noor Wali, who is a senior leader in the TTP group based in Afghanistan, has
corroborated the above facts of the investigation carried out by the JIT of
The trial court took nine years eight
months and three days and despite irrefutable evidence, it acquitted five main
accused namely Hasnain Gul, Rafaqat Hussain, Abdul Rashid Turabi, Sher Zaman
and Aitzaz Shah. The Government of
Pakistan filed an appeal against the acquittal and the matter is now pending in
the High Court.
I would like to point out that Taliban/TTP
had demanded the release of Hasnain Gul, Rafaqat Hussain and Abdul Rashid Turabi
during the two sessions of dialogue between Taliban and Government of
Pakistan. It is obvious that these three
persons were of paramount importance for the TTP that is why the names of these
three terrorists were included in their list of demands to release them along
with other terrorists.
The book has also claimed a new aspect of
two suicide bombers namely Mohsin Mahsud and Rehmatullah Mahsud belonging to
Moulvi Azmatullah Training Centre who were involved in Karsaz attack. It also disclosed nexus between TTP and
Al-Qaeda in the shahadat of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
It has been confirmed from reliable
sources that Ikramullah is present in Paktia province of Afghanistan and has
now become a senior leader of TTP. It is
reported that he has survived a murder attack last year. He is the second suicide bomber who was
present at the crime scene at Rawalpindi to carry out the suicide attack but
managed to slip away when the other suicide bomber had been successful in the
attack. He is, therefore, very important
accused who is alive and can reveal certain more information regarding shahadat
of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
The surviving suicide bomber and
proclaimed offender namely Ikramullah and Abu Mansoor Asim Mufti Noor Wali, the
author of this book, are required to be investigated by Pakistani
authorities/agencies on urgent basis.
It is therefore officially requested as under:
1. Kindly make a request to
President Ashraf Ghani to direct concerned authorities to deport accused Ikramullah and the author of
the said book,Abu MansoorAsim Mufti Noor Wali, a TTP leader,from Afghanistan to
Pakistan, for necessary legal action against them;
2. Kindly make a request to
Interpol through FIA to issue Red Notices against accused Ikramullahand author
of the said book,Abu MansoorAsim Mufti Noor Wali, a TTP leader,to be deported
to Pakistan.
(Senator A. Rehman Malik)
The Chief Minister Sindh,
with the request that the matter may please be revisited in the light of new
claims in the book by the concerned investigators of the incident of Karsaz on
18th October 2007.
The Secretary General,
Interpol, Headquarters, Lyon, France.
The Additional Chief
Secretary FATA, FATA Secretariat, Peshawar, with the request to please identify
two suicide bombers involved in Karsaz incident, i.e.MohsinMahsud and
RehmatullahMahsud who hail from North Waziristan.
The Director General, FIA,
Islamabad, with the request toformally request Interpol for Red Notices of
Ikramullah and Abu MansoorAsim Mufti Noor Wali.
9, 2021
The Secretary,
Ministry of Interior,
Government of Pakistan,
Dear Sir,
I would like to refer to my earlier letter dated
January 1st, 2021 wherein I had requested to make a request to Interpol through
the Federal Investigation Agency to issue Red Notices against accused
Ikramullah – involved in former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s assassination
to be deported to Pakistan from Afghanistan. The earlier investigation
conducted by a joint investigation team had concluded that the Tehrik-e-Taliban
Pakistan and al-Qaeda had carried out the assassination of Mahatma Benazir
Bhutto and then TTP chief Baitullah Mehsud played pivotal role and his
associates had planned the attack at Miranshah, North Waziristan Agency.
According to earlier investigations conducted by
the FIA the two suicide bombers provided by Baitullah Mehsud were identified as
Bilal alias Saeed who blew himself in Liaquat Bagh resulting in the death of
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, whereas Ikramullah, the second suicide bomber escaped
from the scene and went to ‘Makeen’ the native place of Baitullah Mehsud. He
remained there till the death of Baitullah Mehsud through an US Drone and his
whereabouts have lately been re-emerged in Afghanistan. Later, it was reported
that he was attacked by unknown attackers in Afghanistan just before his
interview with BBC London. The head of Tehreek-e- Taliban, Abu Mansoor Asim
BRITISH RAJ TO AMERICAN IMPERIALISM’ released on November 30, 2017, and
the Taliban officially on record has confessed conspiracy of the murder of
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. He in his book has stated details about the
accused Ikramullah and his role in the conspiracy of killing Mohtarma Benazir
I would also like to express that the importance
of the matter has been raised after a video clip of the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) director’s interview given to Russia Today (RT) which is being
circulated widely on social media also. In the viral video, it can be seen that
the CIA director, when asked by the host, said that he was sensationally
revealed by the United States (US) official investigation team that a senior US
politician was behind the assassination of the former Prime Minister of
Pakistan Benazir Bhutto.
It is important to mention here that Ibad ur
Rehman Chatan the main handler of the terrorist involved in the killing was
killed in Khyber Agency through a Drone while being chased by the investigators
to arrest him. It is pertinent to note that this was the only drone in Khyber
Agency during the American war on terror.
The workers of the Pakistan People’s Party in
particular and the public in large are showing their concerns about this
development and it is the duty of the state to get Ikramullah deported to
Pakistan for interrogation/ investigation as he is only living eye witness of
the conspiracy/ murder of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and also approach the
relevant authorities in USA to get more details emerging through the above
referred interview of former Director CIA.
I once again request you to direct the NCB
Islamabad to take the matter to Interpol HQ Lyon, France for a red notice to
arrest the accused Ikramullah and hand over him to Pakistan.
In addition, the Government of Afghanistan may be
requested to trace Ikramullah and detain him to handover him to Pakistan as
reportedly he is living in Badakhshan province of Afghanistan with other
leaders of TTP.
I would like to request to please take necessary
actions as I fear that he may not be eliminated as he is the only living
witness to the origin and execution of the conspiracy of murder of Shaheed
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto.
A complete
report of murder of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto is available with Ministry of
Interior and FIA and the facts may kindly be send to Attorney General of Pakistan
so can apprise the relevant courts.
(Senator A.
Rehman Malik)
Most Urgent
The Secretary,
Ministry of Interior,
Government of Pakistan
Dear Mr.
Yousaf Naseem Khokar,
I would like
to refer to my earlier letter dated January 1st, 2021 wherein I had requested
to make a request to Interpol through the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to
issue Red Notices against accused Ikramullah – involved in former Prime
Minister Benazir Bhutto’s assassination to be deported to Pakistan from
According to
investigations conducted by high powered JIT, the two suicide bombers provided
by Baitullah Mehsud the then Chief of TTP were identified as Bilal alias Saeed
who blew himself in Liaquat Bagh, Rawalpindi resulting in the death of Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto, whereas Ikramullah, the second suicide bomber escaped from the
scene and went to ‘Makeen’ the native place of Baitullah Mehsud. He remained
there till the death of Baitullah Mehsud and his whereabouts have lately been
re-emerged in Afghanistan. Later, it was also reported that he was attacked by
unknown attackers in Afghanistan just a night before his interview with BBC
London that couldn’t take place because of the attack.
I once again
request you to direct the NCB Islamabad to take the matter to Interpol HQ Lyon,
France for a red notice to arrest the accused Ikramullah and hand over him to
In addition,
the Government of Afghanistan may also be requested to hand over Ikramullah to
Pakistan as presently he is living in Badakhshan province of Afghanistan with
incumbent Emir of TTP Mufti Noor Wali Mehsud.
A complete
report of the murder of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto is available with the Ministry
of Interior and FIA and the facts may kindly be sent to the Attorney General of
Pakistan so can appraise the relevant courts.
15, 2021
(Senator A. Rehman Malik)
General Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
Ambassador of
Pakistan to Afghanistan
General of Pakistan
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